Chapter 13

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I couldn't stop thinking about what he said since that moment.

"We'll meet again soon, angel."

He said he's going to meet me soon. Will he? I doubt that he will even remember me in the first place. He has more important things to do. I may have caught his attention that day, but I'd be the least of his concerns now.

It's been a few days since the meeting was held. Since then, the IT and the Marketing Department are working hard. Of course, I wasn't involved in this, and even if they did ask me to, I wouldn't accept it for obvious reasons.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

I was distracted from my thoughts by Chelsea patting on my shoulder.

"No. Nothing."

"You've been in dreamland the past few days. You wanna talk about it?" Hunter asked me.

"No need to. It's nothing to be worried about," I replied.

"Okay, then. Eat your food before it gets cold."

Hunter had brought Chelsea and me to a Mexican diner for lunch today. He found out about the diner last week. I ordered the simplest meal they have because I didn't feel like eating at the moment.

"'s so good. It's the first time since I've eaten Mexican food. The nearest I've ever had it is Taco Bell," Chelsea mumbled with food in her mouth.

"Told ya. Amy, how is yours?" Hunter asked me.

"I like it. It's tasty," I replied and continued eating.

"I heard there was a meeting with Durante Enterprises. How did the meeting go?" Chelsea asked Hunter.

"It was fine, even though I was scared shitless of the man himself. He apparently wants one of Lockwood Hotels' ballrooms for his upcoming product launch. He also asked for some assistance for the preparations for it as well."

"He looks scary, doesn't he? But he looks hot," Chelsea stated, and Hunter chuckled.

"You know, someone had impressed him during the meeting," he said while nudging me.

"Oooooooh, what did you do to impress him? I heard he's a man that is hard to be impressed." Chelsea said, looking at me curiously.

"I literally did nothing. He asked the Marketing Department head to promote his products to people, especially parents, that his products are directed towards students. Mr.Sanders then suggested me to answer the question as I was the youngest one in the room. I did hesitate for a moment. I used my general knowledge and a little bit of common sense and voilà."

"Your suggestion must be excellent if he liked it," she said to me.

"I hope so," I replied sheepishly.

Lunch went by in a swift, and we went back to work. I was assigned a few tasks this week, harder ones, which made my head spin. I feel like being in university again.

I heard a knock on my door. I muttered a 'come in' and in came Chelsea.

"Amy, Miss. Lockwood has requested you at her office now."

"Oh, okay. Inform her that I'll be there in a moment," I replied.

I closed my computer and went to her office on the top floor. I wonder what does she want me for.

Just as I came out of the lift, the receptionist was there to accompany me to Amelia's office. Thank god, because I will be lost if she wasn't here with me. I looked around as we walked to her office. The arrangement of the rooms makes the whole floor look spacious. I've never noticed it both times I've been here before.

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