The day of disaster

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•August's POV•

I was finally able to wake up and talk to my brothers without the doctors coming in and putting that drug in me that makes everything go black. I was worried about Adrian and the fact my brothers haven't mentioned him bothers me.

They finally took off the uncomfortable tubes connected to me and places me in a new room. It was a nicer room. It was a tv, a big window, and a nicer bed. I sat down on the bed swinging my legs waiting for my brothers to come back with some food.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see  my brothers holding all my favorite foods. I thanked them all but I just couldn't feel excited or happy not knowing what happened to Adrian.

"August..." my eldest brother asked while I was eating my mashed potatoes.

"Hmm?" I responded with my mouth full.

"We know your probably wondering about Adrian."

I stopped eating.

"But before we tell you you need to know what happens after the accident."

"Okay..." I responded my throat still soar.

"Well you were found ontop of another car's windshield. It seemed you got thrown out of the car from your front windshield. And grown onto the one of the car who hit you. Adrian was hurt but conscious while you were passed out. He got up to help you but another car collided into the collision onto the drivers side..."

My breathing picked up.

"You had a couple Brocken ribs and a pretty bad beaten-."

"I don't care I'm fine now just tell me what happens with Adrian." I said my voice cracking.

My brother sighed. "He was found in really bad condition August. He had multiple surgeries and looks like he won't make it. Im sorry."

Tears swelled in my eyes " NO! YOUR LYING! PLEASE DONT TELL ME HES GONNA DIE." I yelled my voice was raspy and cracking but I ignored the sharp pain.

"August please calm down."

I ran out the room. I want down a busy hall to buy myself some time. I ran to the front desk.

"Excuse me, don't you have a patient named Adrian that has came in for a car accident."

"Ah yes we do, what you're relationship."

They won't let me in if I'm just his boyfriend.

"I'm his husband."

She looked quite shocked. Maybe because I'm young?

"Alright his number is 467 in the 3rd floor."

"Thank you."

I ran to the elevator and pushed the third floor. I tapped my foot trying to ignore the little warmth my hospital rode was giving me. But I couldn't care les right now, I need to find Adrian.

I quickly went down the halls looking for the number.








I took deep breath. And reached for the knob. The metal felt cold. And i could her the machines from out here. After on last deep breath I pushed through the doors.

Than I saw him.

My Adrian. He had tubes everywhere. He was pale and he looks half dead. His lips were purple and his face looked sickly. I ran to his side tears spilling from my sides.

"Adrian... Adrian please wake up. Adrian. Please you can't die." I said through sobs. I held his hands trying to rub warmth into them.

"Adrian please. Please I'm begging you."
My sobs were getting louder and I could hear people entering the room but I dint care.

"ADRIAN PLEASE." I shook him tears soaking his hospital robe.

A pair of arms grabbed me and pulled me back but I couldn't think straight and caught against the form and tried to reach for Adrian.


My sobs were now loud and ugly. I sounded like I was chocking and I couldn't see straight.

"August calm down please. It's gonna be okay August just calm down." Tommy's voice came from behind. I turned around quickly and hugged him.

"Please Tommy we have to save him. He can't die Tommy please."

"I know Augy everyone's trying their best, okay? Now you just have to be strong and recover so you can get better okay?."

I nodded but couldn't beat leaving Adrian. But truth was I couldn't see him like that anymore. He looked horrible. He looked dead.

"Cmon let's go back to your room." I heard one of my brothers say from the other side of the room.

"Wait." I said. I closed my eyes than turned around. He looked like he was gone but he wasn't not yet. So I approached his bed and gently laid my head on his chest.

His heart was beating. The same beat it did when we were cuddling or hugging. That sound was the most comforting sound in the world. My sobs got quiet. And the sound of his heart filled my ears. All I could focus on was the small rise of his chests no the beating of his heart. I barely notice someone picking me up and leaving the room.

I was scared. I wanted Adrian. I wanted him to get better. I wanted to buy a house with him. I wanted to marry him. Have kids with him. I just wanted him. But now I'm not so sure that would happen.

I laid down on my hospital bed and curled up in a hall. After what felt like an entire day someone came into my room.

Tommy was holding a small bag. He took out a a little teddy bear. One Adrian got for me in those little claw machines. I smile and grabbed it. It smelled like him.

"Thank you...."

" Hell be okay August I just know he will"

"I hope so."

We said good night and I went back to sleep.

I need to get better quickly. So I can be by Adrians side all the time.


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