Chapter five-The New Normality

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The chaos at the airport was worsening by the second.

People shouting, babies crying, fights breaking out in the queues as desperate people fought for the last seats out the country. I was grateful for the peaceful grounding presence by my side. This wise elderly gentleman who had evidently already lived so many lifetimes.

How do I explain this sudden mysterious apparition? Effie and I had decided to keep as far away as possible from the mayhem, partly to escape the stress but also in case of potential violence. We were still grieving from the goodbyes and shock of what was happening.

We found a quiet corner, one available bench from which we could observe the madness without being a part of it.

From what seemed like nowhere, a presence appeared by my side. An elderly gentleman dressed casually in white, with piercing blue eyes and a shock of snow -white hair.

He sighed deeply and shrugged with amused exasperation. "My dear, these poor uninformed people. So little they know. We wished for a new age and now we must seize the opportunity. But for the new to enter, we must say goodbye to the old in all its guises. But what is the new? Just because something is new does not necessarily mean it is an improvement unless we endeavor to make it so. We will be forced to make a decision, which path we will choose. And remember, with change comes resistance. In a short space of time, this will all be over."

Effie and I stared at him in amazement yet perhaps not as surprised as we would have been in different circumstances. Weird had become the new normal.

"Do I know you?" I asked politely.

"Not yet but you will. My name's Xantheus and you are Skye and Effie. The pleasure is all mine." Effie nudged me and whispered urgently in my ear. "Mum this guy is weird. He's freaking me out. I think he's been stalking us. He must have heard our names at the check in desk."

Xantheus smiled kindly with compassion at the fearful look on Effie's face. "You are correct my dear. I did overhear your names, but I was already waiting for you. I knew you'd be here today. You are both wise intuitive females, and while your conscious minds will be desperately analyzing and criticizing everything I say, something will resonate deeply within your subconscious minds and more importantly within your super conscious minds, your higher self.

That part of you knows exactly who I am and why I am here. Both of you, throughout your lives have been different in some way. You have picked up on signs and symbols that most humans have not. This has often made life difficult for you, leading you to doubt your own ability and mental stability. I'm here today to assure you that you are both on the right path, your individual paths. You have correctly detected the shift that is coming."

He paused for a moment and studied our faces. We were both frozen in shock and puzzlement and yet he was right. There was a part of me that wasn't remotely fazed as if I recognized him or had known him before from a former life.

It was such a distinctly bizarre feeling yet simultaneously liberating.

Neither of us spoke and so he continued.

"I know you have felt that this is all a simulation, Skye. And you are correct. It is. Remember Event 201, October 2019 in New York? The big players were present. That was the preparation. And yes, shortly after the Chinese doctor spoke out to the world about Wuhan. Nothing in this world is ever coincidence, everything has a meaning and a sequence of events though often it is too much for the human mind to compute.

Those of you who speak out and attempt to open the eyes of the world will be hounded, it will be a witch hunt. At first seemingly harmless but later it will become more dangerous and you will all be at risk and then you will have to choose. You lived through this in Medieval times, and I know you occasionally get a vague recollection of such things. You are part of a race of enlightened beings just as back then those who challenged the all-encompassing power of the church were perceived as heretics. You will be both loved and hated, revered and destroyed."

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