Chapter 17-Noah's Ark-The Great Flood

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Chapter 17

Noah's Ark-The Great Flood

So, once again we were packing, preparing to travel into the great unknown. The difference was however, despite my growing apprehension, I was not fearful. It was no longer us alone, I felt that the guides had our backs. For sure we'd been given the gift of free will to make our own choices and we'd also been given all six senses, and if attuned enough, they would protect us and alert us to danger. I thought back to what I'd personally witnessed and read regarding animals and their senses; The animals fleeing just before a natural disaster occurs, like a tsunami.

We were fleeing the oncoming tsunami, symbolic or otherwise. I felt Peter's pain at having to flee his home, his life here that he'd so lovingly and painstakingly built with his deceased wife. I thought of Francis who I'd literally known for barely a day or more, and yet all these people had touched our lives in so many ways through their love and kindness. Time had sped up and we were living so much in so little time...

"You alright?" I turned to Effie who packing as quickly as possible.

She nodded and mumbled with her head inside the case, "Yeah, I've become an expert packer, never been on the move so much in my entire life! I guess that's good though: Most people wouldn't be able to pack their life's belongings so fast and prioritize. I understand so much more now about being adaptable to change, it's the only way to survive this brave new world." She popped her head out the case and smiled sadly. "I feel so bad for Peter especially, leaving all this behind. I wish someone would stay behind and take care of it for him in case one day he can return."

I nodded, "Yeah, I've been thinking about the same thing. Surely, he must have friends somewhere who will come and take over meanwhile? Obviously, it's a bit tricky with the police and military who will be searching for us all who would come and intimidate whoever is here but still, to completely abandon all this would be horrendously sad, I'm sure there are many who would be desperate to bring their families here and live peacefully." As I said it, I just knew in my heart, Peter would have a plan, he would never abandon this to fall into ruin...

"Okay, I'm done, record timing!" Effie collected her case triumphantly. "I'm going to see if Summer needs any help then go and sort out the food supplies and see if Peter needs our help with anything." She skipped out the room, so fearless and prepared for almost anything. She was completely transformed from the teenager I'd known just a short while ago. She'd grown in every way feasible and her strength was visible on every level. She was of the generation that would take this planet into the future, whatever future that would be, and I prayed she would do a better job than most of the previous generations, learn from our mistakes and create a fairer, just, more sustainable earth without the power obsessive greed that had fueled most of humanity's problems.

I knew it was not quite as simple as that with the seemingly infinite division that seemed so deeply ingrained in human programming...

Perhaps only the help from our cosmic guides would finally put an end to all that when they upgrade our DNA allowing humans to evolve in a new direction...

I thought back to the conversation in 2017 and laughed drily to myself; if only they could see me now, they wouldn't be laughing quite so hard or be quite so disbelieving, let's face it, you can't argue with what's staring you in the face.

The entire world economy had collapsed and those that once mistakenly believed they were above and beyond all justice, completely untouchable, well karma has a way of coming to shoot us all in the foot at some point. You certainly can't argue with mother nature and she was putting us all in our place and in ways I was about to find out beyond my wildest dreams...

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