Chapter Ten-The Great escape

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Chapter Ten

The great escape

I didn't sleep at all that night, not a wink.

I tossed and turned continuously and in the few moments I did manage to capture some sleep I was bombarded with countless nightmares, horrifying images, some less, some more, but horrifying, nonetheless.

I leapt out of bed as if fleeing from the devil, drenched in sweat, and shaking. I had a drink and splashed my face with cold water, anything to try and ground myself and change my mood.

I sat and did deep breathing; breathe in positivity and breathe out negativity and fear. Slowly my body and mind became calmer. I watched Effie as she slept, unlike me she seemed to be sleeping calmly and at peace, even a small smile upon her face. I envied that calm and peace of mind. Perhaps it was not so strange that I wasn't sleeping well, after all we were about to travel through a danger zone tomorrow while an unseen war waged around us: A deeply secretive war, and as a parent wanting to protect my child, knowing we were in danger.

Despite my body and mind calming, there were certain images that I simply could not erase from my mind; One in particular looked like a blue comet streaking through the sky which I was observing through the window of a plane.

There was a blinding flash outside as the plane began falling at great speed. People were screaming, as pandemonium broke out around us.

Xantheus' face appeared before me speaking with great clarity and authority, 'It is time Skye, the Prophesy must be fulfilled.' Alongside Xantheus I saw many faces appear and disappear, some appeared to be native American Indians. Who were they and what did the signs represent?

I was jolted out of my reverie by the alarm clock sounding. Fortunately, we had packed the night before and it would not take long to get ready.

Effie sprung out of bed with an energy I had not witnessed for a long time. She was overjoyed at the thought of leaving and going back to familiarity. I wouldn't go as far as to use the term 'normality' as I feared that was now over, however, did we want to go backwards? No, we wanted to go forward and create a new normality, a better existence, not 'their' version of the 'new normality' the one that they were evidently creating for humanity.

Effie sang to herself as she got ready, we had packed the night before so there was little to prepare. There was a knock at the door, I opened it wondering if it was Ronnie, ready too early and wanting company perhaps.

It wasn't Ronnie, it was the mysterious barman/waiter. He held a tray with two breakfasts and some small packages.

He nodded in greeting and passed me the tray. He pointed at the packages. "Important, gloves and mask for journey. You must be downstairs at 8 o'clock. They will not wait. They are in great hurry. Thank you."

Before I could respond he had turned and hurried away. How curious that now, the day we leave, he finally greets us and exchanges some words. No matter that the contact was minimal, it was still contact. Perhaps he had been ordered to stay away from us till now?

I placed the tray on the table and beckoned to Effie to join me for breakfast. "We have gloves and masks for the journey. Effie, I'm so glad you are excited and I'm as pleased as you that we are leaving but I just need you to be aware again, this is not going to be a normal journey in any way whatsoever. At all times we must remain together with Ronnie, he's our protector."

Effie looked up from her fruit and croissant. She spoke with her mouth full. "Is nothing bloody normal anymore? Yeah, anyway I already gathered something weird would happen, but I'm still so confused at what is really going on. It's more than just a virus isn't it?"

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