Chapter 18-We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day

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Chapter Eighteen

We'll meet again some sunny day

We sat in silence for a while, collecting our thoughts and recovering from the shocking events we had witnessed on the television. I tried to erase the images from my mind, the horrendous devastation in Beirut and the hellish scenes from China.

I closed my eyes and began to disconnect from the chaotic world around me. I took myself deeper and began to connect with the above." Are you there?" I asked silently, seeing a glowing white light in my mind's eyes. The light was growing, increasing by the second. My head and eyes began to ache as my pineal gland became active and the connection was made.

"Yes Skye, we are here. We understand your pain and confusion. Kai will make contact soon. His earth self is safe but still in grave danger in Lebanon. Your family have also survived though there have been many casualties within the zone. You will receive notice.

Again, we wish to confirm the huge distraction that is taking place with the Virus. While the humans concentrate on this, the planetary changes are severe. The food shortages and ice age are coming. The great majority have no concept of the truth whilst world governments continue to distract and lie. It is true that they are preparing Op Bluebeam and the simulated second coming. Please stay focused and grounded.

The challenges will be great, we are unable to respond physically at present despite our desire to help you all. There is much division within the galactic federation and yes, it's very possible you will see ships, but they are not our own. Do not, I repeat, do not, attempt to leave with any of the ships. These are the malevolent ones, the collaborators with the Cabal, the deep state.

We will send word when we are able to aid you but please, we implore you, do not leave with these ships. You will not be able to return if you do so, not to Earth nor to us. This is another ploy to deceive. Trust in Ronnie, he is there as your protector, he has his instructions. He will lead you to London and as you so accurately concluded, London is simply a temporary safe zone. Finally, remember, you were granted a free will, you chose this Earth journey. Despite your awakening, it is you who chooses your ending. Not us. That was always the agreement."

The light began to fade, and I slowly returned to the present. The girls were chatting quietly in the back and Ronnie was humming to the music. He looked over at me quizzically, "You alright mate? Were you communicating? Cause you were far away there. I was listening to the radio and suddenly the signal became erratic. I looked over at you and you were jerking all over the place like you were receiving an electric shock, convulsing. The signal returned the moment you opened your eyes."

I felt slightly dazed. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm learning and it's getting easier each time. I put myself into a deep trance state, disconnecting from exterior distractions and I feel my pineal gland activating and then the contact comes through. They reassured me that Kai and the family are safe but are in danger over there.

I'm praying that he can get them out and over to the UK. They confirmed Op Bluebeam but also warned that real ships will be visible but that they are not ours and under no circumstances should we go with them. They are the cabal collaborators." I sighed heavily. I imagined many believers would be tempted to go with the others as I too would have been if I'd not received the warning. "Yeah as we know, the virus is a huge distraction from the Earthly disasters, food shortages and what I guess we know as the elimination project, to decrease the population. We need to keep grounded Ronnie, they are going to keep throwing so much shit at us, few will remain sane amongst this insanity. Thank God we have each other."

I smiled at him, so thankful for his friendship and the trust between us. Only tribes of likeminded people will survive these coming years, the time left on this 3D Earth. This was becoming clearer by the day.

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