True Happiness

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They told me I was too weak
They told me I couldn't fight for myself
He hurt me
He bullied me
He just didn't like me

That's when it happened
That's when the walls starting growing
That's when I started locking in my emotions
That's when I became me
That's when I started fighting back

But then they called me too aggressive
They called me too angry
They called me all sorts of names

I toned down a little
Tried to smile
Tried to hide the dark
Tried to believe in myself
Tried to do new things

And they started again
They said I thought I was the best

That's when he came along
Breaking down the walls
Wiping away the tears
Sharing all my fears

All for me to find out it was all a lie
And once again I was weak
I was a fool
A fool to believe

Then they called me too gullible
Now I ask you what do you want?

If I'm meek, I'm too weak
If I'm strong, I'm too aggressive
If I'm enough, I'm too enough
If I'm me, I'm too me
If I believe then I'm a show off

What do you want?

Well I realized that no matter what I did I would never be enough
Not in this world
Not in the next
Not in a thousand to come
I'll always be too much or not enough

So I'm not gonna bother myself anymore
I'm not gonna go around pleasing
I'll do what pleases me
When I want, how I want
Not needing your approval

Because I'm me and me is not what you want.
It'll never be what you want
It's more

So this is another poem that portrays life's struggles. When you always try to please people. When everyone wants you to be something you're not.
Let's not care what people want us to be. Just do what you want to be. Who you know you are. Without needing approval because that's the meaning  of true happiness

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