My Love Story

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Our friendship is pretty awkward
Me liking you and hoping you do too
It's complicated

But you're perfect
I can't just give up
You're everything I ever wanted

You make my day with just a single smile
My heart skips with just a simple brush of your skin
Being with you is a euphoric experience

But you see my love story is complicated
You look at me like I mean something to you
Then again that could be hopeful imagination

You do everything you do with me with other people
But is it wrong to think ours is special?

I'm confused
With a love story this complicated
What can you do?

But hope and wait
Till the day I summon that courage
To say how I feel
Wishing, hoping and silently praying you feel the same.

Complicated right?
Or maybe not
But all in all it's my love story
My complicated love story
One I wouldn't dream of missing.

Isn't it weird that I have a new poem everyday. And I'm not really proud of this one but I'm gonna post anyway. Please remember to vote and comment what you think.


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