☁ tamaki amajiki x male goul reader- my nervous wreck

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Requested ryou_edits
Y/n pov
I was nervous as nejire held my hand pulling me through the halls of UA to talk to the first years i myself like nejeri was a 3rd year into the class i stood i was the smallest btween nejire and mirio i stood quietly as they spoke about how everything works when you grow up into the hero corse " and y/n here is a goul!" Mirio spoke holding onto me i akwardly wave as some people shy away....i knew it there scard of me arnt they i feel a warm thing hold my hand i look it was tamaki i blush softly as our intertwininghands where hidden being a goul is hard but i think i could live through it with tamaki by my side there are sometimes he gets scared but thats just him i dont take offense to it....tamaki...is my everything being a quiet guy that i am me and tamaki drifted together till one day when we where first years he admitted that he liked me he thaught id be mad since we where both boyd but i admitted i liked him back and that i was happy he wasnt scard of me or hated me like all the other kids thats how i met mirio and nejire and since that day hes been my nervous little wreck~♡

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