Chapter 1: The Concert

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In a world where color is nowhere to be seen, Mary had finally saved enough money to purchase front row seats to BTS. It was BTS' first time performing in America and she didn't want to miss that opportunity. Mary was going with her best friend Gianna and even though she couldn't appreciate the colors of the world like her friend, she was excited to at least see their faces and hear their music. Gianna had already found her soulmate and was able to appreciate colors and the world to its fullest beauty. However, Mary had not met her soulmate. She was still young, 20, and had many more years to find her soulmate. Everyone found them around their early 20s anyway so there was no rush.

    Meanwhile, the BTS members were preparing themselves for the concert in the hotel. As they all dressed themselves to hop on the tour bus to arrive at the venue, the boys had their pre-concert chats with their respective soulmates as they had all found them except Namjoon. Despite being 26, he hadn't yet found his soulmate. Even Jungkook, the youngest at 23, had already found his. Namjoon at that time usually talked to his parents before going on stage rather than a boyfriend or girlfriend.

    Back to the girls, Gianna was joking around with Mary and having a playful banter about soulmates.

"Mary, I know I found my soulmate and can appreciate color but what if one of the BTS boys is your soulmate?"

"That's not possible Gianna. They're all several years older than me and besides, they've all found their soulmates."

"I heard that Namjoon hasn't found his yet."

"Even if that's true, why would the universe ever pair me up with him? He's so perfect and I'm I just appreciate that I even have the chance to see them up close, even in black and white."

    The BTS boys on the tour bus were also teasing Namjoon about not having a soulmate. They did it because they knew Namjoon hated it but also, they meant no harm and wanted him to lighten up about not having his soulmate yet.

"Imagine that one of the ARMY girls is your soulmate," Jungkook said.

Yoongi jumped in, "Oh yeah! Maybe you'll be able to see color after tonight, who knows?"

Jin, being a little more mature than the others, tried to make Namjoon feel better as usual by saying "It's ok Namjoon. Having a soulmate isn't all that anyway. As celebrities we don't even have time to hang out with them." Namjoon sighed and said, "I know. But at least I could see in color, truly appreciate the world, and have someone other than my parents to talk to before concerts." All the boys looked at Namjoon with sad faces as that was the first time Namjoon opened up about why he was sad without his soulmate. They suddenly felt bad about teasing him and stayed silent the rest of the ride to the venue.

    As the BTS boys arrived, set up the stage, and had a sound check, Gianna and Mary had just parked their car and were waiting in line to enter the venue. There were many screaming fangirls with posters, merch, and the BTS wands. Mary, having spent almost all of her money on the tickets, had only worn the singular BTS shirt she owned and carried her phone to videotape her favorite songs that they would perform. Gianna had a similar attire except she had her BT21 backpack. "I'm so excited, Mary!" Gianna exclaimed. "Yeah me too," Mary responded, kinda sad-like.

"What's wrong Mary?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to enjoy the concert so much because I only see in black and white."

"You will enjoy it! I remember when we went to the other concert and I still hadn't met my soulmate. I also saw it in black and white and we still had an amazing time right? Why would this be any different?"

"I don't know Gianna. Something feels off about not having found my soulmate yet. Like...I'm missing something vital in my life. I mean, my parents got it when they met each other, you got it when you met your soulmate, and most of our friends and family have found theirs. Where's mine?"

"Don't think about that right now Mary. Think about seeing BTS on stage, dancing to you, singing to you, and have a great time!"

"You're right Gianna, I shouldn't focus on that right now. I worked hard to get us here and we should have fun!"

"Atta girl! That's the Spirit!"

    After waiting in line for about 45 minutes, they were finally allowed to enter the venue for the show to start. The curtains opened and the fans began to scream as BTS rose from the ground to the stage! They began by performing their most popular song "DNA!" The girls around Mary and Gianna were losing their minds as were they; screaming as the members performed their hearts out on stage.

    Towards the end of the concert, the boys were leaning down closer to the front row for a chance to give them a high five or shake their hands. Namjoon approached Gianna and gave her a high five. For a brief moment, Namjoon looked in Mary's direction and their eyes locked for a split second and almost like magic, the world turned into color for Mary. Namjoon stood up and went back to the stage to rejoin the other members as they finished their song and ended the concert. "WE LOVE YOU ARMY!" the BTS boys yelled into their mics before holding up finger hearts as the curtains closed.

    As people began leaving the venue, Mary stood in shock processing the world in color. "Mary that was amazing! They really know how to throw a concert!," Gianna said. Mary didn't respond as she looked around in amazement! Color was so beautiful and she caught a glimpse of the BTS members in color before they left. "Umm..Mary. You look lost. Are you ok?" Gianna asked. "Gianna. Color is so beautiful," Mary responded.

    Meanwhile backstage, Namjoon was having his own existential crisis as he saw the world in color for the first time too. Jungkook noticed that Namjoon wasn't leading them to their dressing room as usual but was instead lagging behind them. He approached Namjoon to see what was up.

"Joon. Everything alright?"

"Dude, I can see colors!"

"What? You can see colors now?! Hey guys! Namjoon can see colors now!"

    The rest of the members turned around in shock and came running back to Namjoon and Jungkook to ask questions. Jimin asked, "Since when?" Namjoon responded with, "It was towards the end of the concert when I was giving out high fives. I made eye contact with someone and I could see color. I was so thrown off but I had to remain professional but now I'm in awe." Yoongi jumped in saying, "See, I told you you'd see color after tonight. I was right!"

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