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A couple days after the game Trix was walking through one of the quieter Auradon hallways

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A couple days after the game Trix was walking through one of the quieter Auradon hallways. She was humming a random tune when someone came and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh hi Jay." She said. "Hey."

She continued walking, not minding if Jay was still with her or not. "What are you doing?" He asked from beside her.


Jay nodded his head and rubbed his hands together. "Cool, cool...I just got word from Evie that Mal will be gone for a while on a date with Ben...you and Ty could come to my dorm and hang out?"

Trix turned and faced Jay, unsure of the idea. "I really want to...but I don't want Mal to hate us even more."

"It's cool. She won't stop by anyway." Trix thought for a second. "Okay!" She said happily. Jay clapped his hands and smiled. "I'll tell Ty." Trix ran off to find her brother.


Ty knocked on the boy's dorm door. Jay opened it with a smile and high fived Ty. Evie squealed as she brought Trix into a hug.

The girls walked over to a couch that was in front of a tv. Trix sat in the middle of Carlos and Evie. "So what are you wear to the coronation- nope never mind i'm making your dress." Evie squealed again and ran off to find a notebook to sketch on.

Carlos played a video game, aware of the brown eyes on him. "Hi." He said shyly. "Hi."

"How've you been?" Trix thought for a moment. "Okay, I guess." Carlos nodded his head. "I noticed a couple days ago you didn't seem like yourself."

Trix thought back to when she had the longest mood she had experienced in a while. "Yeah...my moods were acting weird."

"Oh." Carlos continued to play his game until Trix snatched the remote from him. "You know there's another controller." He laughed. She sent him a playful smirk. "Yeah, but I wanted yours." Carlos blushed and Trix pushed him lightly in the arm.

Ty and Jay sat in the back of the room talking about the plan Mal had for the wand. Ty had told Jay earlier that he didn't need to know, and that it wasn't any of their business. But Jay insisted because he was his friend and he trusted him.

Evie sat down back down on the couch and showed Trix the dress. Carlos leaned over to see but Trix playfully pushed him back.

"What I don't get to see?" Carlos whined. Trix shook her head. "Not until coronation." Carlos pouted and Trix pointed back to the screen at Carlos's character, who was dying.

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