•Chapter Twenty Two• Gun shots in paradise...

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Kimberly's Pov -

My arm linked with Luca's as we entered the room, capturing glares from almost everyone. Most nodded at Luca with respect, some even said hello...but many of the women stared into my soul.

Eventually, we reached a table where Luca pulled out a chair for me—thanking him, I sat down and continued to admire the way the room was decorated. "I will get us some drinks" He said, disappearing into the crowd.

Still receiving glares from a group of women, I held my chin high—staring right back at them...

It took a moment, but they soon looked away while muttering things to each other. My eyes rolled at how immature they seemed, but when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you" A rough familiar voice entered my ears.

Turning my head, I saw a pair of grey eyes, who belonged to Anton—the guy who was in the back of the limousine with us when I first arrived in Italy.

"I don't know if you remember me-"

"No, no I do" I smiled, turning my body so it was facing him.

He half smiled at my words before letting his eyes wonder around the room. "Where's that boss of mine?"

"He's gone to get drinks, god knows what because he never even asked me what I wanted" I chuckled.

He laughed, shaking his head. "Ah, that sure sounds like Luca..."

He placed his hand on the table so that he was almost hovering over me. Furrowing my eyebrows, I leaned back in my chair slightly, trying my best to make a decent distance between us.

"He can forget to be, well..." He let his eyes trail up and down my body. "A gentleman"

"And what, you are?" I joked, watching as his eyes darkened.

"Sí, I am indeed" He smirked.

As my lips parted to speak, the sound of two glasses colliding with the table echoed. My head popped around Anton, to see Luca with his hands on both of the drinks he had just slammed down beside us.

A sly smile appeared on Anton's face before he slowly lifted his hand from the table and turned around, both him and Luca now making sudden harsh eye contact. People around us where staring, as both men glared at one another.

Something told me that Luca and him don't get along very well, first it was the tension in the car and now here...

"Hey" I lifted from my seat, letting my hand fall onto Luca's arm. His eyes instantly caught onto mine, slightly softening.

"It's a little warm in here, how about we get some fresh air?" I smiled at him, tugging his arm a little.

His eyes flickered back to Anton only for a moment, before letting his arm slide around my waist and swiftly leading me out. Ignoring the stares from everyone, we left the room that we had barely been in for more than ten minutes.

Luca's arm left my waist when we arrived outside, the cool air hitting my cheeks. "What the fuck was that?" He snapped, looking over his shoulder as he walked ahead of me.

My eyebrows raised, "Excuse me?" I followed him, almost smashing into his back when he stopped at the top of the stone steps, I had noticed earlier.

"Between you and Anton" He turned to face me, his eyebrows knotting together.

"Between me and Anton? More like between you and Anton! You where both glaring at each other with what seemed to be so much hate"

"I've never liked that man" He scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets.

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