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Kimberly's Pov -

It's been three weeks.

Three weeks since I shot my 'father'.

Guilt is what I feel, a lot towards my mother too. She doesn't deserve any of the lies I've told her...but this, she definitely doesn't deserve to not know that the man she was once in love with, is now dead.

You never know what life is going to throw at you, what is going to be around that harsh corner. But, whatever happens...I believe happens for a reason.

Sometimes, we just have to deal with that.

Luca's father has suddenly taken a warmth towards me, he's been ever so kind and once I got to know him...I learnt that he's not as scary and cold hearted as he seems, he's just broken—who wouldn't be after losing their wife in such a viscous way?

I'm doing okay, much better than I thought I would of been doing. Luca reminds me everyday, that I'm no murderer, but that doesn't stop the nightmares.

The cold, scary images of Rocco's lifeless body.

Maybe someday they will disappear...

Just not yet.

"Amore mio" That all to famous and sexy Italian voice, called out.

I spun around to see Luca leaning against the doorframe. Seeing him instantly reminded me of the conversation me and his father had only days ago...

~Three days ago~

A gentle knock tapped on my apartment door, I jumped up from the couch and rushed over, expecting it to be Luca...my eyes glancing at the clock before pulling open the door.

"You're early-" I smiled, but my eyebrows furrowed when I saw Luca's father stood before me.

"Oh, Mr Vendor...Is everything okay?" I asked, feeling a ounce of worry grow in my stomach.

"Has something happened to Luca?" My mind was wizzing with questions as I scanned his face.

"No, no" He shook his head, "I'm here to speak with you" He gestured his hand, asking if he could enter.

I slowly nodded while pulling my door open wider.

"I just want you to know how appreciative I am" He started, folding his arms over his chest.

"You saved my son and for that, I will forever be grateful...thank you" He smiled.

I was taken back, "Mr Vendor, you don't have to thank me. Luca means more to me than you could ever know"

"Oh I do know that" He nodded, "You love him"

My mouth opened slightly, "I don't know so much about that..." I let out a nervous giggle.

He chuckled, his laugh reminded me of Luca's and I instantly found myself smiling at that, "I'm not blind, the pair of you are in love"

"Both of you would kill for each other...literally" He added, walking back towards the door.

"I know that feeling, don't let it go Miss Folin" He told me, before leaving—the door making a small clicking sound when it shut.

I only smiled, gazing at the white tall door.

Shaking my head I walked over to Luca, "You're not supposed to be in here!" I giggled, not missing the way his eyes scanned my body with a smirk.

It's the day of Amy's wedding and like you already know, me and Rebecca are her bridesmaids. She booked this beautiful hotel, for all three of us to get ready together in...luckily I'm the first to arrive, I set my alarm even earlier than them both so I could let the makeup and hair team inside ready for when they get here shortly.

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