•Chapter Fifteen• Lauretta...

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Kimberly's Pov -

"A business trip?" My mother's voice echoed through the phone, her confused tone instantly drowning me in guilt for having to lie to her.

"Yes, well kind of—we are volunteering in an hospital in a few European countries..." I lied.

"Well darling that's great, but you could have told me sooner! I'm going to miss you, how long will you be gone?"

"I'm not sure Mom, but I will keep you updated. I promise, I love you okay...but I really need to get going" A sad sigh left my lips, not wanting to lie to her any longer.

"I love you too, muffin top"

I ended the call while half smiling at the nickname she has always given me. When I dragged my legs from the very comfy bed, a soft knock suddenly patted on the wooden door.

"Hello! I'm coming in" My eyes widened at the woman's boldness, her Italian accent was very thick.

I just stood still in the middle of the room as I watched the door knob twist, the tall woman's back was to me at first as she pulled in three very large suitcases. But then she turned and I was met by a pair of bright blue eyes, her hair was a dirty blonde colour and her lips where painted a shade of cherry red. She was absolutely gorgeous! With her long legs and thin build, she looked as though she belonged on a Victoria Secret runway.

My build was very different to hers, I have always been short with a flat stomach and rather curvy hips. I may not have the biggest chest area but my toned plump butt makes up for it, even if I do say so myself. I've always been pretty content with my body type and you should be too! After all, we are all beautiful in our very own way.

"I'm Lauretta" She told me while plopping down the suitcases by my feet.

"Oh um, thank you. I'm-"

"Now, I have no time to chat" She trailed her eyes over my body. "I'm just here to deliver whatever is inside those heavy things! Ba, bye now"

My eyebrows raised as she strutted away, sending me a quick wave and pulling the door shut. My brown eyes glanced at the suitcases below me then back to the door. "Well, okay then..." I muttered to myself.

Lauretta was right, these cases where very heavy. Finally managing to get them both onto the bed, I unzipped them both to see a hell of a lot of expensive looking clothes. Two of the suitcases where packed full with things like blouses, jeans and dresses. In another was more comfortable clothing such as, leggings and casual t-shirts. Then the third one had purses, makeup and shoes.

There was also an extra zip inside the third case and my eyes instantly widened at what was inside... lingerie and lots of it. I held the purple bra and thong set up, with a surprised look on my face.

Did Luca choose all of the things inside these cases?

With a shrug, I decided to look for something to wear—since Luca said he was taking me out for dinner tonight. The more I rummaged through the large suitcases, I came across essentials such as a toothbrush, body wash and etc. Once I settled on something to wear, I trotted towards the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Returning back to my room, I pulled on the clothing I had picked. Everything fit like a glove, even the shoe size was right and it really made me wonder how Luca even knew my size's. I smiled at myself in the mirror as I scanned the beautiful expensive blouse I was wearing and the suit trousers that wrapped perfectly around my legs. I pulled a black belt around my waist to secure the pants and also paired a black purse with the outfit.

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