•Chapter Seventeen• 'Your attitude stinks'

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Kimberly's Pov -

It was the delicious smell of bacon and eggs that awoke me from my deep slumber the next morning. Instantly, I pulled my body from the queen sized bed and tip toed over to the washroom, my tired reflection faced me in the glass mirror and I only sighed at myself.

Quickly splashing some cold water over my face and brushing my teeth, I grabbed the white silky robe that hung on the bathroom door and made my way out of my room and down the stairs. My eyebrows furrowed as I neared the kitchen, listening to the sound of a woman gently humming. When I finally turned the corner, my eyes widened at the two plates of food spread out on the counter top.

The older woman, who had her grey hair tied back into a neat bun, spotted me and a smile instantly formed on her face. She was wearing a black and white knee length dress with an apron wrapped around her body.

"Oh mio, ciao bella!" She beamed, wiping her small hands on a napkin. [oh my, hello beautiful!]

"Um, I'm sorry I don't speak Italian-"

"Ah, American" She sweetly smiled, recognising my accent. "I have to apologise, my English is not good"

"Don't be sorry" I trailed of—my eyes wondering over to the food, I could feel my stomach begging for me to demolish all of it.

"I am Greta, maid for the Vendor family. Long time I have not worked" She spoke the best she could.

I smiled at her sweet effort of trying her very best to speak in English for me. I figured that what she meant by that, was she doesn't work here as often as she used to—and I do remember Luca telling me that no one really stays in this beautiful home anymore.

"Kimberly" I gently shook her hand, she smiled and stepped back while letting her dark brown eyes scan me from head to toe.

"Beautiful name. Beautiful girl"

"Thank you" I sweetly smiled at her, watching her nod her head before spinning around.

"Now you eat" She pointed towards the food and I took no time in making my way over, my butt sat on the cold stool that rested by the white and very shiny marble counter. On my plate was eggs, bacon and some pancakes.

"This looks delicious" I picked up the fork right by me, it was gold and felt very heavy just to be cutlery.

"Yes yes good, enjoy. Boss?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me. Was she asking if I had seen Luca?

"Have I seen him?" I asked, to which she nodded.

"Oh no, not this morning" I took a piece of my bacon, quickly chewing it up.

"His food will go cold" She frowned. "Tell him, me to be back in the evening. To clean" She told me, in her extremely thick Italian accent. I quickly nodded and thanked her again, watching as she trotted away.

Breakfast was delicious but even after I ate, there was still no sign of Luca. Gulping down my glass of water, I lifted from the stool and left the ginormous kitchen. My bare feet made gentle patting sounds on the floor as I made my way down the long hallways, my head poking inside every room—until I finally spotted him.

There he was, in the huge living room with his eyes tightly shut. His body was spread out on the expensive looking purple couch and I felt my breathing quicken as I caught site of his naked torso. He was only wearing the black suit trousers he had on to dinner last night. His glistening abs, screamed for me to reach out and touch them. I must of looked like a stalker, but I couldn't help but admire the way he looked while he peacefully slept.

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