•Chapter Twenty Five• Empty bed & messy sheets.

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Kimberly's Pov -

The warm sun beamed through the large window, hitting my closed eyelids and making me squirm. A quiet yawn left my mouth, my hand trailing up to my head and pushing away the brunette locks of mine that had fallen onto my forehead, my brain still in sleep mode as I slowly fluttered open my eyes.

Leaving dreamland, my eyes widened as very detailed images from last nights...rather entertaining activity, flashed through my mind. My bottom lip was pulled back by my teeth, a cheeky cheesy grin forming across my lips.

But that smile soon disappeared when I turned my head, to see Luca not by my side. Messy sheets smothered my body as I lazily gazed around the room, disappointed to not have woken up with him.

Regardless, I really needed to shower. And so, I pulled myself from the bed and limped towards the bathroom, the insides of my thighs aching...but I didn't mind, let's just say, today's pain is so worth it after last nights...well, amazing events.

Rolling my eyes and chuckling at my own thoughts, I switched on the shower and let the hot water trickle down my back, my hand reaching for the shampoo—all while wondering what the special moment me and Luca shared last night, means for us now?

I was walking down the stairs now, clothed in some comfy black leggings and a long sleeve fitted purple t-shirt. Stepping off of the last step, Italian words entered my ears. Slowly, I peered around the corner—spotting a tall figure standing right in front of Luca's mother's beautiful portrait.

"Nostro figlio è testardo quanto te, angelo mio" [Our son is just as stubborn as you where, my angel]

The mans back was to me but that powerful voice was very familiar, even though I had absolutely no clue what he was saying, I could tell that each word held an unexplainable amount of emotion.

"Mi manchi" [I miss you] he whispered with a sigh, before he turned around, my eyes widening when I recognised who it was...Luca's father.

The last and only time I had ever saw him, was the night Luca took me to the gala back in America. Even then, he didn't speak one word to me—so when his cold eyes met mine, I was unsure of what to do.

"Hello" He says, catching me by surprise.

"Hi, Mr Vendor" I half smiled. His son meant a lot to me, so I was more than happy that he had decided to actually speak to me this time.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong, it's Kimberly, Sí?" He took a few steps towards me, sticking his hand out to shake mine—to which, I accepted.

"That's right, Sir" I nodded, dropping my hand back down to my side. He took a breath, his eyes flickering back to Luca's mom's picture, before he glanced back to me.

"I know you mean a lot to my son" He started, my heart warming at the thought of Luca.

"I am aware of this, from his recent actions...But, I just need you to know something rather important, Kimberly" He finished, gaining my attention.

"There was a time that I had put my wife into a lot of dangerous situations, not by choice. It lead to her getting murdered and for that...I will never forgive myself" His eyes snapped to the floor, his jaw clenching.

"I just need you to think of the risks of becoming a part of this type of family" he's paused for a moment.

"Because if something where to ever happen to you...I don't think Luca would be able to handle the guilt that I try my very best to battle everyday" My stomach dropped at his words.

He looked back up at me, patted my shoulder before he walked of down the hallway. I licked my dry lips, but had zero amount of time to even think when the front door was pushed open.

My eyes snatched up, my heart swelling when I spotted Luca holding a huge bouquet of pink roses. He kicked the door shut, a cheesy smile spreading across his face when he spotted me. "I thought you would be still sleeping" He rolled his eyes before walking towards me.

I chuckled, "Why, where you planning on surprising me?" I asked the obvious, the sweet smell of the roses filling my nostrils.

He placed them down at my feet, his hands instantly gripping my waist and pulling me towards him. "Sí, but now it's ruined"

"No" I pecked his cheek, "I love them, thank you"

He smiled before placing a soft kiss onto my lips, his hand sliding down my back to grip my left butt cheek. I giggled as we pulled away, his eyebrows furrowing. "What's so funny?"

"Just" I looked into his eyes. "I thought you didn't know how to be gentle?" My head cocked to the side.

He hummed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Only for you..." He whispered before letting his hands fall from my hips.

"I have some other good news" He bent down to pick up the flowers, I followed behind him as he walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.

"You do?" I asked, stopping by the kitchen counter.

"We are flying back to California, tonight..."

Excitement instantly filled my bones, I had missed my mother so much. "What? How, the Russians?"

He stood in front of me, "Like I told you last night, I have sorted everything..."

Last night.

My stomach swarmed with butterflies at the thought of Luca hovering over me, our bodies sweaty—our lips sloppily and lazily kissing each other's, both of us filled with so much pleasure.

Shaking my head, I looked back up at him. "Thank you" I smiled, wrapping my arms around him.

But in the back of my mind, Luca's fathers words where haunting my brain...

I'm so sorry that this chapter is short my luvs, but I just needed to get one out for you guys! I'm so busy with work rn, so I have no clue how often I will be updating.
But keep your eyes peeled!🌹

I love you all sm🐚🧸💫

I love you all sm🐚🧸💫

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