•Chapter Twenty• Red underwear...

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Luca's Pov -

Sleeping has always been difficult for me, but last night was one of the worst. Every time I shut my eyes, Kimberly's question haunted my brain. Why was I treating her any different to how I would any other woman?...I've left behind responsibilities in America, to bring her here for fucks sake. I slammed my coffee down onto the table, my hand running over my face in frustration.

"Oh mio, cosa ti ha fatto quella tazza di caffè?" Greta's voice filled my ears, she grabbed a napkin and wiped away the few droplets that had fell onto the counter. [Oh my, whatever has that mug of coffee done to you?]

"Solo, non parlarmi nemmeno" I snapped, glancing at her small frame. [Just, don't even speak to me]

Greta only hummed placing her hands on her hips, while watching me with squinted eyes. But before she could say anything else—the voice I had been dreading to hear echoed throughout the house.

Turning my body on the stool, I saw my fathers tall frame striding down the hallway, his eyes glaring into mine as he entered the kitchen. "Papa" I nodded, folding my arms over my bare chest.

"Non papa me. mettiti una cazzo di camicia e incontriamoci in soggiorno" He spat, turning on his heel and walking of. [Don't papa me. Put a fucking shirt on and meet me in the living room]

Lifting from the stool I was sitting on, my feet carried me towards the stairs, taking each one in my stride. When I reached the top, my lips twitched upwards when a soft voice caught my attention. Stopping outside Kimberly's bedroom door, I listened to the slow melody she was singing.

When she stopped, a smirk spread across my face as I decided to push open the door. "Nice perform-"

The words got caught in my throat when my eyes caught onto Kimberly, wearing nothing but a sexy red lace bra and thong. "Oh my god, Luca!" She squealed, grabbing the towel that was on the floor and quickly wrapping it around her body.

"Have you not heard of knocking?" Her words seemed muffled to me because all I could think about was what was underneath that towel. My foot kicked the door shut and she trailed her eyes across my naked torso, my feet slowly walking towards her.

Each step I took, she took one too. But when her back hit the wall, she sighed in defeat, scanning me as I got closer and closer—finally stopping right in front of her. Her sweet vanilla scent invading my senses, clouding my brain.

"You didn't answer my question" She whispered, her eyes glancing at my lips for a quick second before staring deep into my eyes.

"I prefer not to knock" I smirked but she shook her head, making my eyebrows furrow. What she did next, shocked me. Her hand landed on my chest, harshly pushing me away from her.

Teasing me, she gripped the towel that was loosely wrapped around her and very slowly pulled it down her body. I could feel my member tightening, I had never been so fucking turned on by a woman in my whole entire life, as much as I am with her.

When it hit the floor, pooling at her feet—I dragged my eyes down her body, wetting my lips at the sight of her delicious curves.

"Not that question..." She said, making my eyes look back into hers.

"The one I asked you last night, how is it different Luca?" She trailed her fingers across her collar bone, driving me insane. "Why decide to keep me safe, if you care for nobody but yourself and your family?"

She began to play with her bra strap, as my whole body began to ache for her. My dick growing harder with each word she spoke, her breathtaking body wrapped in bright red underwear, revealed to me and only me.

I went to step forward but she held her hand out, stopping me. "No, don't touch me" She bit her lip.

"Stop fucking teasing me, amore"

She smirked at my words. "And you, Luca..." She pulled her bra strap so that it was hanging loosely off of her shoulder. "Stop avoiding my question"

What the fuck was this woman doing to me? I'm the one who's supposed to be in control, orders are something I give...not what I take.

I had to close my eyes to compose my thoughts so I didn't take her right now against that wall. After a minute I took a deep breath before opening them back up, her chocolate brown eyes scanning my face.

This time, I didn't allow her to stop me as I walked forward, pushing her into the wall—a shocked hitch of breath flew from her lips as she looked up at me.

"Are you trying to torture me?" My hand fell to her hair, slightly tugging at it. When a quiet moan left her lips, I bent my head down so that it was level with her ear, my lips grazed it ever so slightly before I whispered... "It's different because I care about you, I care about you like I have never cared for anyone before. There, I fucking said it"

Using my hands that where placed on the wall behind her, I pushed myself backwards and turned, my body striding towards the exit.

"I am no longer a child, papa" I typed away on my laptop as he sat on the couch opposite me.

"Sí, but you are still my figlio" He remarked, folding his arms over his chest. [son] "Who is this girl, to be in such need of our help?"

"I was the one who put her in danger, the least I can do is keep her safe"

His large hands slammed down onto the coffee table, making it shake. "That is exactly what you are not explaining to me Luca, how did you manage to get her into trouble?"

Closing my laptop, I leaned back into the couch. "The night the Russians broke into the club, I arrived at her apartment afterwards—someone saw me and took it as a great opportunity to target her, for revenge maybe? I don't know"

"And how would killing her be revenge-"

I glanced at him when he stopped talking, his dark eyes tightly closing as he clenched his jaw. "You care for the girl, don't you"

My eyes hit the floor when he began shaking his head. "I just need to keep her safe" I muttered.

"And what about your mama, hmm?"

"Don't bring mama into this" my fists curled. "I am still searching every fucking day for the person responsible for her death"

He sucked his teeth in annoyance, lifting from his seat. "And how exactly are you doing that Luca, when you're hung up on some woman-"

He stopped his sentence and took a deep breath, "I need a goddamn drink"

When he left my fist collided with the table, grazing my knuckles. Cussing, I shot my head back, my eyes focusing on nothing but the plain white ceiling.


I want to take a quick moment to say THANK YOU so freaking much! This book just hit 6K reads and ended up #9 in romance🥺
Like what!?! I'm so grateful💕🥀✨
Hope to see you in the next chapter and remember—you're beautiful😘

I want to take a quick moment to say THANK YOU so freaking much! This book just hit 6K reads and ended up #9 in romance🥺Like what!?! I'm so grateful💕🥀✨Hope to see you in the next chapter and remember—you're beautiful😘

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