•Chapter Eighteen• Tease you with my lips...

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•Play the song when you get to Kimberly's Pov for a better experience•

Luca's Pov -

"How's everything running in America?" My deep voice echoed down the phone, to Gino.

"Smoothly boss. Although, your father is not happy. He's flying out to Italy tomorrow morning"

"I know, I've been ignoring his calls" I leaned back in my chair, twirling my car keys around in my hand.

"Well, I'd say to be prepared for a big lecture" He informed me, chuckling slightly.

"He still thinks I'm a bambino" I muttered while rolling my eyes. [child]

"How's Carina?" I changed the subject. "I do hope you have her under full protection"

"Carina is fine bro, you know we will always keep her safe. Plus your father hasn't let her out of his sight the last couple of days, with you being gone. He already gave me a warning to look after her, when he leaves for Italy..."

"Good. Anything on finding Rocco? the one who is supposedly responsible for my Mama's murder?" My eyes couldn't help but trail over to her portrait that hung on the wall.

"No, not yet. We will find the fucker though Luca. And your mother will get the justice she deserves"

"Sí" I pulled my gaze away from her portrait. Putting my phone on speaker—I began to fill the gun I always carry on me, with a couple of bullets.

Snapping it back into place, I shoved it into my waist band as I spoke, "and the Russians? Fill me in..."

"We have men circling around Kimberly's apartment building day and night, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever Michail has informed to capture her. But there's been no luck just yet, they seem to be laying low" Gino informed me, taking a deep breath after his words.

I hummed in response, pulling the phone back up to my ear as I walked down the hallway. "Be very clever and careful about it, we don't need them knowing that we are hiding Kimberly...let them believe she is still in America—keep me informed, arrivederci" I ended the call, my feet now making there way up the stairs. [Goodbye]

When I reached Kimberly's room, a sigh left my lips. She's been up here since the small disagreement we had earlier today...

Kimberly's Pov -

A loud knock echoed throughout the room, making me jump and look up from the book I was reading. Knowing who it was, I nervously chewed my bottom lip for a few seconds before opening my mouth to speak. "It's unlocked"

I returned all my attention back to the book when the door swung open, I could see Luca leaning against the door frame from the corner of my eye—he had his arms folded over his chest, a playful smirk on his lips.

"Are you still mad with me, amore?" His Italian accent always made my stomach swarm with butterflies.

I wasn't even reading the book anymore, just looking at the same word over and over again.

"Hm, silent treatment?" He was walking towards me now and I could feel a small smile itching the corners of my lips, I felt like a high school girl all over again.

The bed dipped as he sat opposite me, his head bending down slightly to try and catch a glimpse of my face that was hidden behind my long brown hair.

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