•Chapter Six• 'I crave it...'

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Kimberly's pov -

The blaring sun kissing my soft skin, through the peak of my open curtains woke me up, making me roll onto my side and pull the white sheets over my head. Last night felt like a blur, it left me wondering if it was a scam, or if I was just in a whole freaking movie scene that I wasn't made aware of.

I somehow ended up throwing on a robe and strutting towards my kitchen. While pouring myself a mug of black coffee, I thanked God for me not having to go to work today. My butt rested on a chair by the wooden table, my brain doing back flips.

The frightened stares towards Luca last night and how Carina was telling me that his rudeness comes with the 'role', was all beginning to now make sense.

But for some strange reason, my body still got all hot and sweaty at the thought of him.

My phone ringing made me flinch and almost knock over my coffee, I quickly lifted from the seat and dashed back into my bedroom, hitting my toe in the process. "Fuck" I whispered to myself, now hopping on one foot towards my desk, sliding my finger across my phone screen.

"Kimberly, finally. I've been texting you!" Rebecca's voice chirped on the other end of the line. "Me and Amy are on our way to pick you up..."

My eyebrows furrowed, about to ask her why but it was like she read my mind when she spoke her next set of words. "Bridesmaid dress shopping, remember!"

"Oh, yeah" I fake laughed, beginning to scan my closet for an outfit.

"We will be there in thirty" And with that she ended the call, I caught my reflection in the mirror before staring at the dress from last night, it was scrunched up in a ball, in the middle of my floor.

Do I return it?
But there's no way I can see Luca again...

With a sigh, I chucked my phone onto the bed before rushing to the bathroom, hitting on the water and stepping straight into the shower.


"Are you sure you don't want to come back with us?" Rebecca turned to face me, I unclipped my seat belt and pushed open the heavy car door.

"As tempting as your homemade chicken soup sounds...I'm going to give it a miss" I smiled, looking from her to Amy.

"You guys have worn me out with all this shopping" I added, chuckling.

I heard them both laughing as I stepped out of the car, "See you tomorrow, Kim" I heard Rebecca shout as I closed the door behind me.

I waved them off, watching until the car disappeared down the narrow road. I hadn't told them about Luca, one reason being that I was still getting my own head around. And the other being that the last thing I wanted to do, was spoil Amy's pre wedding excitement.

Gripping onto my shopping bags, I turned on my heel and entered my apartments building.

The hallways where always pretty empty around this time, my feet tapped along the wooden floor as I exited the elevator and walked towards my door. Once the key turned in the lock, I used my butt to push open the door, instantly placing down my bags and slipping of my jacket when I entered.

The lights flickered on and my eyes widened at the sight before me...Luca.

He was causally sat on my couch, his feet resting on the glass coffee table. "How the hell did you get in here?" The words flew from my mouth as I stayed frozen to my spot.

"What would be the fun in that, if I told you?" A smirk stretched across his face as he lifted from the couch, taking slow steps towards me.

"You need to leave-"

My back hit the door behind me as he neared, my eyes shut tight when he was inches away from me, his arms raised and rested on each side of me, trapping me between him and the wooden door. I could smell his minty breath, along with his manly cologne, yet I dared not to open my brown eyes.

"Kimberly" He whispered, one of his hands landed in my hair, brushing it from my shoulder.

I sucked in a deep breath before opening up my eyes, instantly to be met by his sparkling emerald ones. They looked inviting, they looked as though they where filled with so many unspoken and hidden emotions.

"When I want something, I crave it. I crave it so bad that I would fucking kill to have it" He whispered, his fingers now slowly brushing against my neck.

A shaky breath left my lips, my eyebrows knotted together as I watched the Italian before me, suddenly drained from power and appearing to now be vulnerable. He looked deep in thought as he continued to run his fingers along my soft skin, butterfly's erupting in my stomach from the feeling.

"I'm not used to this. I don't know emotion, my Papa, he-" He shook his head, not managing to get the last words out.

"Listen" he took a breath, his tone suddenly turning softer. "I need you to help me..." he paused.

"I need you to teach me how to be gentle, for you"



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