Chapter 25: What Is A Fae?

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I pulled down a book from the shelf and sneezed with the dust that came off it. I scrunched up my nose and turned towards Rykan, brushing away the dust from the book.

"Bless you," Rykan murmured, not looking up from his desk or pausing his writing.

I glanced down at the book I grabbed. It was about supernaturals in general instead of just werewolves. I was glad he had it because I'd read things here and there in his other books about fae and witches and it was all actually very interesting. I was drawn to those two things for some reason.

I opened up the book and more dust floated up, making me wrinkle my nose. "How long have these been sitting here?" I asked, holding up the book.

"Years," Rykan said, shifting the paper aside and writing something on a different piece of paper.

I frowned and glanced around his office. It was a complete mess. He was so ridiculously disorganized it actually put me on edge. It was too much of a mess. He had papers everywhere and the books didn't seem to have any organizational system whatsoever.

"Ry," I sighed, setting the book down.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking up.

"Your office..." I started, trying to find a nice way to say this.

"Our office," he corrected, going back to his writing.

Right. Luna was the title he said I had by being with him. He explained some of it to me but that's why I was getting books from his office, so I could read and understand more.

"This office is... It's nice, it has personality," I said, wringing my hands together.

Rykan paused and set down his pencil, leaning back in his chair and narrowing his eyes at me. God, it was hot when he got that stern look on his face. It took all my effort to maintain eye contact and not look at the arms crossed over his chest.

"Kora, didn't we discuss you not beating around the bush when you have something to say?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not him. I want you to speak your mind."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Do you have an organizational system for this?" I asked, gesturing to the piles upon piles of papers on his desk and floor.

"In a way," he shrugged.

"In what way?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I know where things I need are," he said simply.

"Okay well, say someone needs to get something for you, would you be able to direct them to it?" I asked doubtfully.

"No one else should be coming in here except you and I so it doesn't really matter," he said, holding his hand out. "Come here."

"You'll just distract me," I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Angel, come here," he said, beckoning me over.

Damn him. He just had a way about him that left no room for argument. It was incredibly sexy and annoying. I walked over and he grabbed my hand, pulling me into his lap and placing a kiss on my lips.

"Stop trying to find a nice way to say what you're trying to say," he said, nuzzling into my neck. "Just tell me what's on your mind. The mess bothers you?"

"I don't know how it doesn't bother you," I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I've never been good at organizing. But I know you like to be organized. Do you want to organize the office?" He asked.

"Yes," I nodded. I actually loved organizing things. "I'm going to color code everything," I said, looking around the room, already considering the infinite ways it could improve.

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