Chapter 38: Distraction Party

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I was embarrassed as hell that I'd been caught eavesdropping on Xander and Addie, but Kaden waved me ahead and I gave a sheepish smile to Addie as I descended the stairs to where she was. She didn't seem mad, she just smiled back and walked ahead of me into the kitchen. Addie offered me a seat at one of the stools around the island counter and I sat down as Kaden went to the fridge and started pulling ingredients out.

"How was the shower?" Addie asked, sitting across from me.

"It was good," I said, running my fingers through my hair nervously. "Thanks. And thanks for the clothes," I said, gesturing to myself. She really was paying attention because she got me clothes that completely covered me up and right now, that's absolutely what I needed.

"No problem," Addie smiled. "Anna's almost done getting your medication together but she couldn't find any information at all on that one you said you get from France."

"I'm not surprised," I shrugged. "It's not common."

"Right," Addie nodded, tapping her fingers against the counter.

I was so embarrassed. I didn't even know where to start apologizing for listening in so I did the next best thing- avoid it.

"I wanted to talk to you about some people I saw while I was there and things that happened," I started.

"Okay," Addie nodded, clasping her hands together and waiting.

"Um... Well, I don't know who it was that pulled me from my car but a werewolf stopped in the middle of the road and I swerved to avoid him, but then he came and got me from my car and knocked me out," I said, swallowing hard. "And I don't remember the pack they're from but... Phillip and Jeremy," I said, wrapping my arms around myself. "They'd bothered me before, and I think their Alpha, his name is Damon. He was there too and they were being weird. Like the guy I think is Damon said he was going to make me his new Luna."

"What did he look like? Damon?" Addie asked, frowning.

"Uh... Like as tall as him," I said, gesturing to Kaden. "Light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Kind of a bigger nose."

"Did his nose look weird, like it might've been broken before and set back wrong?" Addie asked. "Did you notice a scar or anything like that?

"Yes," I nodded. I didn't think about it before but now that she said that, I did notice his nose was weird. "And yeah, he had an 'x' on his hand."

"What the fuck," Addie whispered, leaning back in her chair. "So you recognized Jeremy and Phillip and who you're describing does sound like Damon. What do you mean that they've bothered you before?"

"They just both asked me weird questions and kept taking my hand, asking about the pills I was taking, asking about my family," I said.

"That... Doesn't make sense," she frowned. "I mean, the family thing kind of does. I got that a lot when I first started meeting other packs, people are nosy and want to know if there's supernatural blood in the family," she said, rolling her eyes. "As if we'd know that. But it's weird, that they would both bother you, ask about your pills, then be there in rogue hideout. And making you their Luna is especially creepy. Did they say anything that hinted what they want from you or why they would say that?"

"They just kept taking my blood and loading me up with drugs to knock me out," I shrugged. "They said I was valuable."

"They were taking your blood?" Addie repeated, her frown deepening.

"That's weird," Kaden said, leaning over the counter.

"Yeah," I nodded, biting my lip.

"Okay, well, that's definitely something we need to address," Addie said, pulling out her phone and typing into it. "I promise we'll figure this out, Kora. They aren't getting away with this," she said, shaking her head. "Let me talk to Xander and make a plan. Was there anything else that was said or done that might help us?"

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