Chapter 31: Thunderstorm

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I walked down the street with Xavier and paused in front of the store that served Italian ice. It was kind of a beautiful day out so I asked him if he'd be okay with us coming into town early and just walking around. The temperature was that perfect level of niceness where I could wear leggings and a tank top without getting cold or too hot. The only thing not perfect about it was there wasn't a single cloud in the sky and I actually loved clouds.

"This is the place, right?" I asked, looking over at Xavier.

He nodded and smiled. He told me the place he liked to get Italian ice from and I thought I remembered seeing it right next to my pharmacy so I told him we could get it when we came for my prescription.

"Why don't you go in and get us something while I get my prescription?" I suggested.

"Leave you?" He frowned.

"I'm right next door, Xavier, what's going to happen?" I pointed out, gesturing to the pharmacy. "If I need you, I'll call you."

"All right," he agreed. "What do you want?"

"Just pick something for me," I shrugged. "You know what's good and by now you know what I like. I trust you," I said, patting him on the back. "I'll see you in a minute."

I stepped past him and walked into the pharmacy. I'd been coming to the same one since I was a kid and only recently learned it apparently was run by another pack who did business for supernaturals too. My whole life I'd been coming here and I didn't know that until now. It was so weird that all these different people mingled with us and we had no idea.

"Hi there, Kora," Kelly waved.

"Hi," I said, smiling. She knew me at this point.

"How are things going for you?" She asked.

I approached the counter and she set the pills down on the counter. "Good," I nodded. "And you?" I gave her the exact change and she slid the pills to me.

"Can't complain," she grinned.

There was a crash in the back and she sighed, rolling her eyes. "I spoke too soon. I can complain. I have a newbie. I'll see you next time, yeah?" She said, heading to the back.

"Good luck!" I called after her. I opened the bottle and pulled out a pill. I'd missed one two days in a row and the headache was starting to turn into a full blown migraine.

I turned and wasn't paying attention so smacked right into something hard, dropping my bottle of pills but thankfully not the one I pulled out. It turned out to be a person I ran into. I looked up and instantly stepped back. There was something about the guy in front of me I just did not like. His dark eyes stared down at me like he was trying to figure something out, they kept shifting to my hand holding the pills. He bent down and picked up the bottle I dropped, staring down at it a little too long.

"Excuse me," I muttered, taking the bottle and moving to go around him.

He stepped in front of me again and tilted his head to the side. His eyes moved to my neck where my mark was then back to my face.

"You're claimed," he said, his eyes darting to the bottle in my hand. "Who are you mated to?"

"Who are you?" I countered. It was weird he would ask me that, that wasn't normal werewolf behavior was it?

"A wolf," he said, narrowing his eyes. "From a neighboring pack. I heard Rykan found his mate and she wasn't a wolf, is that who you're mated to?"

It didn't seem like a question I shouldn't be able to answer but he was making me unsettled.

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