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"Hey Louanne wants to know if you guys want to do a calendar shoot for the boys?" She asks as I get ready

"Sure when?" We all nod this should be fun


"Sounds good just send the info in the group" She nods before they head out, just as Juice comes in

"You look fantastic just give me a 10 I just need to hop in the shower" He says giving me a kiss

"I just a few finishing details and I'll wait for you outside" I give him a smile

"You sure you can ride on the bike in that" He asks heading into the bathroom

I just lifted up the skirt showing a pair of spandex shorts I never wear skirts or dresses withought them you never know, he lets out a laugh before clothing the bathroom door.

Finishing up I head outside waiting for him chugging a RedBull while I talk to Bobby he always seems to have something interesting to tell me or an interesting piece of knowledge.

"Ready?"Juice asks coming outside I nod following him to the bike

The Next Day...

"You're all here yay let's get started" Louanne screams as Lola, Lyla, Evelyn and I stroll into the studio

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" I laugh

She showed us what we'd be wearing then let us get changed before we do our hair and makeup, she has us all doing poses I am so not used to. Once the shoots over Louanne tells us that the callenders would hopefully be done in a couple weeks but would let Lyla know.

Lyla still had to shoot a few things so she asked if I could let Ope know to pick up the kids and that she would meet him at the house. When we pull into my spot at TM a black escalade pulls in next to us when I look up my moms smilling face is looking down at me, and if she was in the passenger seat that could only mean my dad is driving.

"What are you two doing here" I ask as we met around the front of my car

"With Evelyn back and healthy we thought we could try to be an actual familly try to understand all of...this" My father motions around before pulling me into a hug

"Um...ok but you might not love what you see this is not what it's like all the time I'm at Juice's apartment more then here" I explain as we head towards the club

They follow us into the club house where all the guys are scattered around in groups talking, drinking, laughing doing their normal stuff. Having our parents here made us uncomfortable like I feel out of place I'm mot used to having them in a space that makes me feel so safe.

"Ok so that's Juice, Bobby, Chibs, Tig, Piney, Clay, Jaxs, Opie, Happy, Gemma, and Venus, Lyla's the only one missing but you can sit where ever you want I'm gonna change real quick if you want a drink you can ask a prospect at the bar" I say pulling Evelyn down to Juice's room

"I hate this" She says as I start to change

"Me to I don't feel comfortable with them around the guys even though they say they want to give them a chance...somethings up" I pull on my shirt

"Let's not leave them out there to long Chucky's been floating around and well there's also Tig and Venus" She laughs

"Has anyone bothered you yet?" I ask as we join them at the couches

"No we've just been taking it all in, come sit" My mom pats the couch next to her

"You sure you don't wanna go for lunch or something?" I ask

"Maybe later" Mom has a smile

We talk for awhile the whole time none of the guys came to bother us which is nice but it would be nice if they'd try to make an effort, they want a tour but theirs much to see. After the tour we go pick up Emry before going out to supper it's weird to be acting like a normal familly but it's kind of nice. When we come back Bobby's the only one in the room Evelyn goes to my room while I go over to Bobby laying my head in his lap.

"You gonna tell me why your parents were hanging around?" He asks looking down at me playing with my hair

"There actually trying to be our parents for once and it's exausting" I laugh

"Your parents seem nice though" He said putting the book down

"Ya I'm surprised they didn't try to cause a scene"

"We were to actually" He chuckles

"Is there a party tonight?" I ask

"Ya it's a patch over party it starts at 10" Bobby said

I'm not really in the mood to party tonight I just want to do the bare minimum bartending and then leave with Juice. The party isn't for awhile so I decided to go for a little drive to clear my head maybe get some snacks so I stop at the corner store, I'll need something sweet to keep me going tonight.

When I walk in every person I look at look away or when I stop in an isle next to someone they would scurry away like I'm infected. It's weird how you can be treated so different when you become an ol' lady or if people know your associated with compared to when your rich. When I find everything I want I bring everything up to the cash but there's two people in front of me pulling my wallet out of my purse I get ready for when the time comes, when a guy comes to stand behind me.

"Shouldn't a tiny girl like you be eating more then a ritz crackers, doritos, life savers gummies and twinkies?" He asks when I look over my shoulder it's old rich friend Jonah, he doesn't act like it though

When he looks down and sees the wallet sized photo of me and the boys it's like he all of a sudden remembered that I was with SAMCRO.

"Oh sorry I forgot you hang around with them" He apologizes

"Don't apologize I just wish people would realise that just because I'm with a Son I'm not going to hurt them" I look around at the people in line who are looking over their shoulders at me, he just laughs

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Where stories live. Discover now