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The next morning...

"So I have today off we should do something" Juice says pulling on a SAMCRO shirt

"Well Lola and I we're talking yesterday and thought it would be fun if we all went to the fair" I ask giving him my best puppy dog eyes pushing out my bottom lip

"Really the fair?" He jokes pulling me in acting like he's thinking about it

"If that isn't enticing enough we can fuck in the photo booth catch our youth on tape" I bring one down to grab his now hard dick

"You know now that you say it I think the fair sounds great" He says with a laugh boosting me up I wrap my legs around him before he lays us down

After we finished getting re ready we head out to SAMCRO I go into the office to go through any paperwork that showed up in the last 12 hours. Going through it as fast as possible so Juice and I can spend the rest of the day together when I'm almost done Lola comes strolling into the office smilling.

"Whats up" I ask looking back down at the form in front of me

"So guess who's going to the carnival?" She sings

"You managed to convice Bobby?" I question

"Well ya it wasn't hard to convince him apparently everyones going even Noel with his flavor of the month" She gives me a knowing look

"Ouu maybe we can fuck around with them a little" My mind starts turning with ideas as I finish the last form Lola laughs

I used to date Noel when right before I turned 16 he used to beat the shit out of me the only reason I stayed is because he told me loved me and because our parents set us up. So getting back at him any way I could think of makes me feel a little better about all the black eyes he gave me. 

Standing up I filr it away before we head out to meet up with everyone we head to the carnival which I don't think I've been to since middle school, it's all happy memories here though. When we arrive it seems like the whole town was already here kids running around screaming and laughing hopped up on sugar, their parents trying to keep an eye on them. Different songs play from different rides the sound of metal hitting each other, the smell of popcorn surrounds me. We decide to split up for awhile before regrouping after, Juice and I were waiting in line to go on a ride the photo booths pictures tucked away safely in his pocket, when Lola comes jogging over to us Bobby trailing behind her.

"I just seen him he's with the old crew let's go fuck with them" She says bouncing from foot to foot excited

"I'll be right back" I say giving Juice a kiss before Lola and I walk over to them leaving Bobby with him we fix ourselfs up a little right as we walk up

"Hey guys long time no talk" I said trying to sound chipper

"I know you guys look great what have you been up to lately?" Niki asks Noel gives me a once over while a blonde barbie hangs on his arm I can see a bruise peaking out under her shirt

He's still as good looking as ever but clearly he's still up to his old habits this is old habits,

"Just graduated with an accounting degree so yay for me" I do a little woo motion

"So I take it you finally got away from those....people" Asks Connie looking around

"Of coarse I don't know what we were thinking" Lola says giving me a look

"So uh are you seeing anybody?" Noel pipes up he's clearly directing the question to me

"Ya I'm seeing this older guys really good in bed" Lola tries to hold back a laugh

"Ya I uh recently got engaged great guy not once has he laid a hand on me" I say holding up my hand to show my ring off Lola is really trying not to lose her cool

"That's amazing do we know them?" Asks the barbie who I now recognise as Izzy she's a few years younger then us

"I don't think so but I'd love if you met them" We both step apart pointing to Juice and Bobby in line they wave back at us

"And to think we almost believed you came to your senses" Belle scoffs

"I've been hanging around them since highschool what makes you think I all of a sudden changed my mind" We bust out laughing hanging onto each other as we walk away

For the rest of the day we ride the rides enjoying ourselfs which was a very rare occasion for all of us, usually when it rains it poured around here.

"Let's go on a date tonight?" Whispers Juice in my ear as we head for the bike his arms are wrapped around me as we walk

"Isn't this a date?" I ask looking at him

"Of coarse but I want us to be alone have a proper date" He says with a goofy grin handing me my helmet

"Then I'd love to" I say as I wrap my arms around him

We head back to the apartment where we both get ready I decide on a royal blue dress with matching heals curling my hair with two small space buns on top.

"You look amazing how did I get so lucky" Juice says coming up to me wrapping his arm around my waist giving me a kiss

"I honestly don't know" I laugh

We head to our favorite restaurant in Lowdi but as always the night seems to fly by to fast getting away from all the clubs shit was nice it made me feel normal again.

The next morning though I wasn't so lucky to wake up with the same amount of people in bed as I fell asleep with I guess the happiness can only last so long.

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Where stories live. Discover now