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When I finish work I noticed that Nita droped of Thomas and Abel I was around when both of them were born seeing them all grown up makes me miss Tara. Watching them from the office they go straight for the swing set we keep on the lot for the kids, I decide to go over and see them.

"Auntie Elle!" They both scream running up to hug me

"Hey cuties! How come I haven't seen you in forever?" I question jokingly ruffling their hair

"Im sorry auntie Elle we'll come by more" Abel says letting out a small laugh

"What happened to your face?" Thomas asks

"I fell and got hurt auntie Elle is just clumsy like that" It breaks my heart that they have to see me like this

I play with them for a little bit they always seem to boost my mood even on the worst of days I guess that's what kids do sometimes. Looking up I see Juice watching us with a doppy grin on his face I smile back while giving him a small wave we never talk about having kids but maybe we should. About an hour later I decide to go find Lola and Evelyn to see if they want to grab a quick lunch.

"Hey guys I gotta go but if your still here when I get back come find me ok" I say standing up

"Promise auntie Elle" Asks Abel I nod with a smile before heading over to the garage leaning into the car Juice's working on

"So I think that this thingy connects to that thingy but this thingy needs to be changed and I do believe that thing makes the car go vroom vroom" I try to be seriouse he taught me about cars and hates when I pretended that I don't

Before I can think twice he has me in a bone crushing hug he smells like a mixture of his cologn and motor oil which to be honest is kind of a turn on.

"Small individual...can't breath...seeing white lights... let me go baby..." I say trying to catch my breath

With that he let me go grabbing my face he kisses me all over when he finishes Opie brings me into a bear hug lifting me off the floor that's just the amount of height between us. When he puts me down he kisses me on my forehead turning around I grabbed Juices face to get a good look at it, he had a couple of little scraps here and there but nothing bad.

"Whats with all the hugs todays boys" I ask they just shrug

"Just showing you our love" Opie smiles at me

"I'm gonna go get some food you guys want anything?" They both nod giving me their orders before going to find the girls

"Hey little lady with the pretty face can I get a beer please" Chibs yells at me from the picnic table

"Since I love you so much I will and it's gorgeous to you just so ya know" I laugh jogging to the bar grabbing Chibs favourite beer

"Hey woah don't push it" I hear Juice yell from across the yard

"Calm down you'll always be my number one" I yell back

Walking back over to Chibs with his beer I hand it to him right as Lola and Evelyn came out into the yard perfect timing, 

"Lunch i'm buyin'?" Looking at them giving them a look

"If your buying then fuck ya" Evelyn laughs

"Lets get going" I say dangling my keys

We wave at the boys as we head for the car when all of a sudden Chucky pops out of nowhere with only his 2 fingers in the air smiling from ear to ear. Before I can say anything both Lola and Evelyn scream jumping back I forgot they've never met Chucky before or know what happened to him.

"I accept that" He smiles

The boys always made fun of him for saying that whenever he wasn't around they would set themselfs up and one of the other guys would make the face a say it.

"Guys it's ok he's a friend" I laugh

"But...but he only has two fingers" Evelyn says her voice nervous

"Ya it's a long story involving a guy named Lin he cut them off for reasons..." Chucky and I look at each other with a small laugh

"I accept that" Chucky and I said at the same time while I shot finger guns at him

"Clay wanted me to tell you that he needs you in church later for something" He smiles his crazy smile

"Thanks Chucky your the best" I say patting him on the back before we get into my car heading out

Lunch doesn't last long before I got a text from Juice asking us to come back I guess Clay really needs to talk about something, when we get back Clay looks directly at me, pointing he makes the motion for me to follow. As everyone slowly starts to file in I sit on Juices lap facing Happy while we waited I try to him smile it doesn't work it never does.

"Whatever it is I didn't do it promise!" I defend myself throwing my hands up before Clay can accuse me of something

"Your not in trouble we just need to know that Evelyn won't be a threat to this club that she won't rat, that whoever she was scoring from won't come looking for her causing problems for us" Clay asks getting right to the point

"She promised me that she's trying I'll hold her to it she wouldn't rat she's an addict not an idiot and none of her dealers want any problems with you guys trust me" I say looking around the table

"You sure sweetheart" Tig asks

"I'm as sure as the day is long and if push comes to shove I know what you have to do" I say looking down at my fingers

"But it won't right"Juice says from behind me trying to stick up for me I just nod

"Good that's all we needed you for your good to go" Clay nods at me

Juice pushes back his chair letting me get up when I get to the door I turn quickly blowing a kiss to all of them I hear a collective laugh.

"What was that about?" Gemma asks before I even have a time to shut the door fully

"Nothing" I say usually what happens in church stays in church

"Oh bullshit I let you in on everything" Gemma says following me into the kitchen

"Fine I'll tell you later" I say pouring a cup of coffee

Evelyn was alot of things but a rat isn't one of them I know that I can trust her not to go to the cops about anything that happens here. Also I know she wouldn't crack under pressure from the cops she's been questioned by them to give up her dealers but she wouldn't budge. You really think she's stupid enough to give up the people that supply her with a high if she wouldn't then, then she won't now she wants a roof over her head and someone to take care of her.

Jennifer Lawrence as Lola

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora