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As we pull into my parents driveway there were two unfamilliar black SUV's parked in front of the house so we pull up behind the,.

"Stay out here otherwise my mom might actually have a stroke" I say getting off the bike handing him my helmet

"We can only dream" He calls after me I try not to smile at that

When I walk in my mom shoots daggers straight into my soul as the rest of the group turns to look at me as well dads face shows zero emotion.

"Hi everyone, so um I'm just here to pick up some clothes to stay at Lolas tonight" I smile before running upstairs before they can argue

Lola's been my best friend since kindergarden but it isn't uncommon for me to use her as an excuse to stay at the club, I hear my moms footsteps keeping up behind me as I enter my room I should've known she'd follow me up here.

"I heard one of those motercycles pull up are you here with one of those degenerates?" My mom questiona in a low tone quietly closing the door behind us, trying to prevent the guests from hearing us

"Yes mom Juice offered to drive me over as he had some errands to run" I lie through my teeth as I quickly  pack I want out of this house as fast as possible

"Fine but you know the rules" She says through cleanched teeth opening the door leaving me alone

Stopping for a second I take a breath it's not like I want to lie to her but she won't let me stay the night any other way and I can't bear to sleep in this house. I know this sounds corny and every teenager say's this but they just don't understand or see what I see in them. Quickly I grab the last few things that I need before sneaking back downstairs and out of the house which has become second nature.

"All good?" Juice asks as he puts out the cigarette he was smoking a nasty habit I wish he'd give up

"Yup let's get out of here" I say putting he handed over to me

"Yes ma'am" He says giving me his signature grin before turning the bike on backing out of the driveway


When I wake up the next morning Juice is already up sitting at his desk on his laptop working on most likely something for the club.

"Morning" I yawn sitting up

"Morning?" He says not looking at me

"When does college start back up?" He asks continuing to type

"I don't know like 2 weeks why?"

"Well I was thinking maybe you should move in with me after graduation" He said quietly

"What?" I ask wondering if I heard him right

"You heard me" He hesitates rubbing the back of his head

"Are you sure?" Everyone has joked about me moving in at some point or another but I always took it as just that a joke

"Ya I mean I know how much you hate living with your parents and you are a legal adult now" He speaks softly going back to typing

Moving in here is a big deal it kind of scares me because at the end of the day I know that I still have a home I can go to if I continue to live with my parents. But he is right I do hate being there, I hate pretending to be someone and something I'm not anymore. He's also right that I am a legal adult now and whether my parents like it or not I'd be moving out sometime after gruaduation anyway.

Alot of the guys had there own places they call home but they also have a room here after a long night of partying (which happens frequently) or they're in the dog house with their ol' ladies. Whenever nomads come into town and need a place to stay there's a few extra rooms available.

"So is that a yes?" Asked Juice pulling me out of my train of thought finally looking at me

"Of coarse it is" I say as he comes over to the bed leaning down to kiss me

Getting changed Juice and I head out into the common area where people were scattered sleeping in odd places they shouldn't be.

Sometimes I question how they so frequently find themselves in these predicaments I mean their rooms were littleraly 100 steps away. Going around the room I start waking up crow eaters I know the men aren't fans of having them still there in the morning, and at least I do it alot nicer then they do. Then I start the routine morning clean of picking up beer bottles, clothes, spills, whiping down the bar before sweeping and moping.

As I finish cleaning most of the men have woken up and headed for there rooms I go and sit on the couches writting a text to my mom. I stare at the text for what seems like forever I  go back retyping parts that just don't seem to feel right, I hate that this is harder that he needs to be. Even though I'm in my final semester of college mom holds the financial aspect over my head that if I move out before graduation they would stop helping me pay for tuition. Juice doesn't know about that, none of the guys do either because if they did they would try to pitch in to help finish paying my tuition and I couldn't let them do that. How am I suppose to pick between college andthe club I'm to deep into this life now to leave but I vallue my education.

I guess Bobby notices the worried look on my face because he camess to join me on the couch, Bobby's like the father figure I always needed.

"What's going on little one?" He asks giving me a sympathetic look

"I've just decided to um...move out of my parents house" I say with a sigh leaning my head back agaisnt the couch

"That's good news aint it you've been wanting to get out of there forever, so what is it really?" He said pushing

Bobby seems to know me better then anybody he knows when there's something more going on then I let on but I still fight with the inner urge to keep this to myself.

"Well I haven't sent the text yet but my parents have threatned that if I move out before my schooling is over especially if I move in here they will stop paying my tuition" I finally let out

"Does Clay know about this? You know we'd find a way to help you we always take care of our own" He asks

"No and I don't want anyone else to know I'll figure it out myself I just can't stay there anymore"

"Elle c'mon don't make me keep this from the club" I can feel his gaze on me

"I know it doesn't make sense but I need to do this on my own please don't make me regret telling you" I say laying down putting my head in his lap

"Well if you need anything you know we're here for you, I'm sorry I can't be more help" He speaks softly stroking my hair

"It's ok Bobby thanks for listening" I smile up at him

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Where stories live. Discover now