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"JUICE OF COARSE" I scream almost tackling him

He stands up wiping his knees before picking me up kissing me all over this feels amazing everything seems to be finally going right for once. This has been a long time coming when I first showed up at 16 I never thought that at 22 this would happen, it feels nice after everything that's happened. He slips the ring on my finger before he leads me over to the picnic he secretly set up, enjoying the alone time we rarely get.

On the way back to the club a car cuts in front of us to quickly for Juice to react causing me to fly off the back off the bike I hit the ground hard before hitting into a bolder on the side of the road. Before I could process what had just happened everything goes black.

Juices P.O.V

Seeing her fly off my bike is the worst thing I've experienced I just asked her to marry me I can't let this happen to her she's the person that keeps me grounded. Getting off my bike I run straight for her the driver of the car pulls over coming over to us as she calls 911. She looks terrified as it is but even more terrified when he seen my kut realising who I am, all I can hope is the ambulance can get here in time.

"Baby its going to be ok" I promised her as I try to wake her up

"Oh my god I am sorry I didn't see you guys" The woman mumbles behind me

The ambulance finally arrives after feeling like forever they take her to the hospital, luckily the bike is fine so I follow them close behing. They took her right into the emergency room they wouldn't let me in to see her which was the worst feeling not being able to with her. While I was waiting Jax called to get me to come back for a meeting but when I told him what happened he said they would be fine.

As I paced the floor in the waiting area I hear Chibs familiar scottish accent filling the hallways talking loudly at the receptionist asking for me when I get closer I see all the guys here.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask suprised there here

"You're ol lady got hurt of coarse were gonna be here plus it's Elle we love her just as much as you do" Says Jax pulling me into a hug, they all follow

They try to keep me chatting to keep my mind off Elle but my mind just keeps racing about how it's all my fault and that we should've taken her cage I had it right there. Just before I work up the nerve to barge back there the doctor comes out with Elle by his side, she's got a smile on her face like nothing happened. Her dress is muddied, torn in spots but none of that matters she's ok that's what matters. Her shoulder is black and blue mixed with road burn from slidding I should've made her put on a jacket. Getting up I have her in my arms before I can think twice I hear a small groan escape her lips before I release her from the hug.

"So whats her diagnoses?" Bobby asks

"Three cracked ribs, road burn along her arms and legs as well as a mild concussion so make sure to take it easy, here's a prescription for pain killers and a anti inflammatory" Taking it all in I thank him

Just as the doctor leaves the guys come over giving her a quick hug she gives them a weak smile, it's nice to know they all love her as much as I do.

We didn't say a word to each other the whole way down to my bike before we head back to TM we stop in at the pharmacy to pick up her perscription. When we get back Elle goes to our room to shower and rest while the boys fill me in on everything I need to know. Right now I don't want to be away from her but the club needs me and that's what I needed to focus on right now.

When Elle comes back out after her nap she joins us out on the picnic table with a smile on her face, I don't know how she can be so beaten but so happy.

"How ya feeling lass?" Asked Chibs

"Just lovely I love to feeling of my ribs jabbing my lungs" She jokes no one laughs

"Sorry little one" Opie gives her a smile

"But will she be here forever now?" Clay chimes in

That's when she looks up with a huge smile on her face, her hand shoots out to show off her ring

"You know now that I think about it I don't think I'm cut out for this life" She jokes before hoping up to go inside where the girls are

"What bugs me the most is the fact that even though this happened she's been smiling the whole tom" I say

"Brother you just proposed to her of coarse she's going to be smiling" Tig says I just nod it just doesn't make sense how after all the shitty things we put her through she still wants me

Just then the prospects came out to hand us some beers before Clay orders them to follow Elle around for awhile just to make sure nothing happens to her while we were gone.

Becoming his Old Lady (A Sons of Anarchy Story)Where stories live. Discover now