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I'm seriously tempted to throw out this stupid alarm clock

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I'm seriously tempted to throw out this stupid alarm clock. It gives me a near damn heart attack every morning. It's Monday, which means I get my meds today. I'm not happy about accepting the money from Roman, but I am glad to be able to buy them.

I finish rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes when Rebecca walks in through my bathroom door.

"Morning. Meet us at the café after class, after you get your pills."

I pick you two fingers and put them to my forehead. "Yes ma'am. I'm skipping my last class today anyways. He doesn't care as long as I turn in my work."

"Sound good- oh shit I forgot to tell you. Yesterday when I went to get the ice cream I noticed you right front tire was flat."


More money.

"Damn. And I don't have a spare right now. Can you give me a ride to the shop later?"

"I would but I have a dentist appointment in like 30 minutes, and I'm gonna drive down to the city. Roman will take you though."

"He's an ass though, and he still doesn't like me."

She chuckles. "Didn't seem that way when he beat the shit out of Axel."

"He what?!"

"He drove to his dorm and rearranged his face, kind of a cute romantic gesture, don't you think?" I grab a pillow and throw it her but she closes the door before it can hit her. "Ill send him up!" She shouts. I roll my eyes and get out of bed. I have my first class at 10:00, it's 8:30 which means I have enough time to go to the shop and buy a tire, but Roman has a 9:00 am class.

I get out of bed and throw on leggings, along with one of my brothers sweatshirts.

I honestly had no idea where it came from because I don't remember him yelling at me for taking it, yet again he's so clueless he probably didn't notice.

I tried telling myself that I wasn't going to look at the bruise. I'm not going to lift this sweater up. I lifted it. It's still purple and very visible.

I break out of my trance when I hear a knock at the door and see Roman walk in. He notices me staring at my bruise. I quickly pull my sweater back down.

"Mind if I ride to class with you?"

"Your first class is at 10:00" he says. Since when is he so observant? "Yeah but yours isn't, also do you mind taking me to the auto shop to get a tire after

"We'll go now."

"But you have class soon."

"Don't care. Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes." Okay?

He starts leaving but says one last thing before closing the door, "don't fuck your self up by staring at that." He's gone.

I hate it when other people are right.

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