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"Are you positive I have to go?" I'm practically pleading with the person on the other line. I shot Jaden a sos text as soon as I knew what this call was about.

"Kailani like I said before, your brother isn't on the authorized visitor log, and seeing as you're the only relative that's is authorized you are the only one who can come."

I let out an annoyed sigh, "he's a criminal!"

"But he still has rights."

"What's happens if I don't go?" If there are any chances of me not going I'm willing to take them.

"Then he could get a new trial and either be moved to a minimum-security prison or be given a lesser sentence."

There's no use in trying to get out of this. I have to do this. I hang up the phone after thanking my lawyer. She's the best, thanks to her Robert is rotting in a prison cell. Now that bastard wants to get out.

The phone was on speakerphone so Jaden heard everything. He's equally as pissed.

"I'm sorry you have to do this Lani." I know he is. He's done a great job of keeping me from seeing him. The only times I've had to see him were during the trial and that was it. Now over a year later, I'm going to have to face him again.

He tried calling on Mom's death anniversary but I simply hung up the phone. The fucking irony of him calling on the anniversary of the death that he caused.

I used to blame myself for everything until Jaden got sick of it and snapped at me. He wasn't angry at me, more at the fact that I blamed myself. So I got over it and learned how to stop.

"I know." I sigh. I throw my phone in the bed and start thinking back to everything that led me here.

It's sad but funny at the same time.

Fuck not again.

"You're going to do it again aren't you?" He knows the drill and he's no stranger to my reactions.

I start laughing. I think part of me refuses to cry over this so I somehow replaced it with laughter. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he decided to admit me into a psychiatry ward.

A few moments later someone touches my shoulder. I think it's Jaden but it's not. It's Roman.

"Want to talk about it?" I do. I really do.

But I can't.

Not right now. But he should know.

I control myself and shake my head. "I want to tell you but I'm not ready to spill everything just yet." I should trust him. I do trust him, but part of me is scared that he'll run for the hills once he knows everything.

He walks me to the bed and lies with me. I place my head on his chest and trace random shapes on my abdomen. "You know growing up I always considered myself lucky." I start. "I have- sorry had a perfect life. The perfect parents, the perfect brother, the perfect social life. Everything was amazing." He doesn't say a word.

"And one person who I loved with my whole heart ruined it all." I'm going to tell him. Not today but if he agrees to this then I will tell him everything Monday.

"Will you come somewhere with me Monday?"



march 21

"Please fasten your seatbelts we'll be landing soon." The flight attendant speaks on the intercom. I buckle myself up and place my hand on Romans. I've always hated being in planes, they make me nervous.

It's currently 10:38 on Monday. Yesterday when we woke up I booked the flight for today. It's only a three-hour flight give or take. I felt bad for ruining the trip for Roman but he insisted it was fine.

We decided that after we leave here we're going to head back to the house and spend time together just the two of us. Rebecca is going to take Jaden home after the trip just in time to fly to Cleveland for the draft. I'm going to fly with him and be with him through the whole process.


We checked into a hotel before making our journey to the prison. Roman still has no idea but after the bus ride we just took I'm guessing he has a pretty good idea.

"Unless you haven't figured it out, we're going to a prison," I tell him.

"I kinda figured that out once I saw 'FCI Herlong Prison Bus' on the side of the bus." Oh right. Oops.

We finally pull into the prison and start to do a check-in routine. "Names," the officer asks.

"Kailani Adriana Knight." She types in my name.


I let out a sigh. "Robert Knight." I don't have to look at Roman to know that he's a bit shocked right now.

"He's still in the infirmary, someone will take you there."

She takes our personal belongings and pats us down to make sure we don't have anything on us.

Another officer comes to us and begins leading us to the infirmary.

As we're approaching I notice Lynn; my lawyer, sitting in one of the chairs. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I didn't have to come to see him today but I figured I should face him before I see him in court tomorrow. "No, but I have to."

"This is my boyfriend, is there any problem if he comes?" I ask.

"Not at all." She introduces herself, "nice to meet you I'm Lynn, her attorney."

He extends his arm, "Roman."

"It'll all make sense soon," I tell him.

I take in a deep breath before following Lynn in. We go to the second curtain and she pulls it back revealing Robert lying in a bed with his right hand handcuffed to the railing of the bed. He has a nasty bruise on his right eye.

"Nice bruise Robert." I make my presence known.

"Kai what a surprise." His voice is raspier than the last time I saw him. He's also thinner.

"Stop with the games." I sit in the chair that's across the bed.

"Now please tell me, Robert, why did you want the child you did try to kill to come to visit you?" I take a quick look at Roman who's eyes are now wide and filled with questions, but it's soon replaced with anger.

I mean if you found out someone tried killing you're girlfriend wouldn't you be mad too?

two chapters in a day 😽👏🏼 might be a third one up today but not promises.

omg he tried killing her?! who would've thought.

published 5•18•21

word count 1129

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