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october 31stwhat the hell did I get myself into

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october 31st
what the hell did I get myself into.

I'm about to ask them where the hell we are but the lights dim and everyone seems to get excited. "Will someone tell me where the hell we are?" I ask.

"Just look towards the ring and you'll see," Rebecca explains. What the hell? I shift my attention to the boxing ring in the middle of the room and see a guy walk into it. "For our final fight of the night, we have Jackson Lopez."



Is this legal?

I hope it's not.


Boo's start to fill the room when a guy who looks around our age walks out in boxer shorts and boxing gloves. I don't even have time to process before the "mc" talks again, "going against our champion, Roman Grey!"






Roman comes out without a robe.

Holy hell.

He comes out wearing a pair of red boxing gloves. He reaches the middle of the ring facing the other fighter. The MC gets out of the boxing ring and not long after a bell rings, indicating the beginning of the fight.

They both stood there, neither of them making a move. Soon after they started to hop around kinda funny if you ask me the guy going against Roman makes the first move, throwing a punch at Roman's jaw. Roman easily dodged it, making a swing for Jackson's jaw. ouch, that looks like it hurt. He tries to regain himself but soon after Roman goes back in with another punch to the other side of his jaw. He starts punching away, almost like it's the easiest thing in the world. And by the looks of it, it is. Jackson gets one punch at the upper part of Roman's left eye, but by the looks of it, it seems as if Roman let him get a good hit.

Roman throws one final punch and knocks out his opponent. Fuck, he's good.

The crowd bursts into a fit of cheers, celebrating Roman's win. He soon leaves the ring and heads back to where he came from, which I'm now guessing is some sort of locker room. "Let's go congratulate him," Rebecca says, pulling me towards the room where Roman just entered. Taking the opportunity I take around my surroundings. There's a bar towards the entrance with a lot of alcohol. They're an area for what I'm guessing is dancing. And there are rows of tables for what I'm assuming is eating.

If Jaden found out I was hear he would throw a fit. Not only because this is probably illegal, but also because I came without him.

I snap out of my thoughts when we stop in front of yet another door.

Dean, who somehow got in front of us, opened the door and we all walked on in. I was met with a very toned back. Oh my god those back muscles, and the-

"Done staring Angel?" Spanish?



Ima kill myself.

I feel my cheeks start to heat.

I know for a fact that Roman freaking Grey isn't making me blush. "Was not."

"Please it looked like you wanted him to take you right against the lockers."


I shove Dean and stay behind him.

"Was that spanish?" I ask Rebecca.

"Yeah, our dad is Hispanic. With tanned skin and dark hair and eyes. Our mom on the other hand is American with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hence why we look so different."

Now that makes sense.

We stay in the rooms for a few more minutes congratulating Roman. I'm still very confused about the whole 'underground' fighter thing but I have to admit that he's one hell of a fighter. "Let's go party bitches!" Dean shouts, leading us back out.

We spend that rest of the night dancing and drinking, well they did the drinking, there has to be at least one sober person to get their asses home. Well two, as always Roman didn't drink either.

Many shots later it's now 1 am and everyone is shit-faced drunk. With the help of Roman, we get everyone into Rebecca's jeep safely buckled. "Are you gonna be right behind me? I don't think I can get Dean in the house alone, he'll probably fall and take me down with him." I ask Roman after I closed the passenger door where Dean's was currently seated. "No, I have some stuff to deal with. I'm sure you'll manage." Seriously? Does he think I'll be able
to carry two drunk, 200 lb football, and soccer players? Asshole.

I give him a nod, trying not to make my anger toward him as minimal as possible. But let's be honest, I'm probably shooting daggers at him.

I turn the ignition on and start making my way home.

The sound of the radio is blocking out Kenzie's drunken rambling.

It also gave me time to think about certain things. Like how Roman is never home on Sundays, or how he always comes home very late on Thursdays.
Or the fact that every other weekend he's not home either. Two weeks ago he didn't come home all week. I tried asking Rebecca about it but she just told me he needed a 'break'. Kinda weird if you ask me. He also comes home very late every night.

I pull out of my thoughts when I pull into the driveway.

Thankfully Roman gave me a heads up that Dean is a 'crazy' drunk so I probably shouldn't leave him alone. I locked the passenger door deciding to leave him for last. I take Rebecca first, who thankfully is more of a friendly drunk. I place her in the living room,

do you think she and the rest of them would mind sleeping here?

Hopefully not because there's no way in hell in taking them all upstairs.

I head back outside to bring everyone else in, only to find Dean is no longer in the car.

God help me and give me to power to not murder Roman next time I see him.

God help me and give me to power to not murder Roman next time I see him

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published 4•6•21

word count: 1050

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