Bonus Chapter 1

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Ahh I'm back at it
Here we are with our first
Bonus Chapter

So go check out one of my
friend's books which
I'm collaborating with
her name is
I hope you enjoy it.

And since so many of you are like really obsessed
with me and keep asking me for them here's
my TikTok and Instagram

Hope you enjoy


"Lavender are you sure? You don't have to do this if you don't want to"I looked away from the building and back up at Carlos

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"Lavender are you sure? You don't have to do this if you don't want to"
I looked away from the building and back up at Carlos.

We were sat in Carlos' car currently staring up at the large white building before us. It had to be at least 30 ft tall and have 4 floors. The windows were polished and had no spot of dirt on them. The walls were a rich white and the glass door at the front had the company name on it.

I sighed and smiled up at him.
"Charlie it's alright. I-I want to see a therapist. How am I s-supposed get over w-what I went through if I don't talk a-about it?"

His eyes softened and he placed his hand on my cheek. That made heat spread through my body like a wildfire. He rubbed it lovingly.
"Okay darling."

I kissed his cheek and then exited the car. Carlos got out to the same time as me and walked towards where I was stood. He placed his arm around my waist and I wrapped mine around his bicep. He lightly kissed me on top of the head and I felt my cheeks heat up again. Carlos chuckled and walked us towards the door. It was a fancy glass one with a metal handle. In the middle, it was painted with the words 'RAIN'S THERAPY'. That was a peculiar last name. Rain. Where have I heard that before?

Carlos gripped the handle and pulled it open. The inside was just as posh and well-kept as the outside. It had the new fresh smell to it that was boring but not disgusting. The walls were a light blue and to my left there was a waiting room which contained multiple white sofas and chair that were currently occupied by people.

We walked over to the receptionist desk and rang the bell. After about 10 seconds, I saw a woman come around the corner holding a box of files. She looked up and her eyes widened. I gasped and pushed myself closer into Carlos' embrace. He tightened his grip around me.

"Lavender. Carlos. Fancy seeing you here."
She placed the box she had in her hands on the next and fixed her hair and clothing. She didn't seem to be looking too good. Her face was slimmer than usual and she had lost a lot of colour.

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