Chapter 31

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I'm literally obsessed with
K-pop right now

Like literally.
It is amazingggg
If you haven't listened to any
K-pop songs,
I recommend you do
You won't be disappointed.

Anyway to get to my point
It is currently 10:30am
when I'm writing this
I'm very tired and I have school

Buuuuut if yous have any
questions that you want to
ask about me or the book please
drop them in the comments

Please don't leave me hanging

Anyway Enjoy 😉



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"Lavender. So nice too see you again"
I turned around to see Jia ,Jeremiah's wife. She held a cute 5 month old baby on her hip.

She didn't look a day over 17. She never has. Her and Jeremiah had been married for 3 years. I can still remember their wedding like it yesterday. It was so beautiful. It was a blue wedding. There weren't many people there. Only close family and friends. She had the prettiest and most amazing wedding dress I had ever seen.

Today, she wore a tight pink dress. The top was frilly and I really like it. It fell down to the end of her knees but looked fabulous on her. She was so beautiful. I have always wondered how she got such clear and wonderful skin. It was amazing. Her brown, soft hair fell down to her waist and had soft curls.

 Her brown, soft hair fell down to her waist and had soft curls

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I was standing to the edge of the ballroom. Carlos had gone of to talk to some very important business clients. He didn't want to leave me but I convinced him I'd be alright by myself.

His little LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now