Chapter 46

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I hope you all had an amazing Christmas.
I mean me making some of you cry must have made it better.
I hope you got and had all the fun you wanted.

I literally got a pregnancy pillow.
I ain't pregnant but they are so comfy.
I feel like my bad isn't broken anymore.

So enough rambling let's get onto the chapter you have all
been waiting for and threatening me for 😂



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Do you ever get those moments in life where it's so quiet that you just think back on all the memories you have? You have nothing left to do so you go back in the past to entertain yourself. Like the time you first went to a entertainment park with your family at the age of 6. Your father let you go on so many rides and you had so much fun. Or the time you were babysitting someone's kids and the house caught on fire causing one of the children to die. Or maybe the time you met the most perfect and amazing person you have ever met in your life. The person you knew you were destined to love for your whole life. And then the moment you lost that certain person. The pain you felt because they weren't with you anymore.

Those moments. Yeah I was having one of those moments. It was silent except from a constant beeping. All I could smell was disinfectant. It's reminded me of a hospital. Was I in a hospital? Or is this heaven? Ehh scratch that we all know I'm going to hell. Am I dead? Where's Lavender? I felt as if my body tensed when I thought of her. I didn't know if it did because I couldn't physically feel it but I had a certain sensation in my chest that made me believe so.

My ears unblocked and I could hear voices. I didn't know who it was. It sounded like a man. Maybe a doctor.

"Mr Reid. Calm down. Like we said last week, we successfully extracted both bullets from your son's body and stopped any internal bleeding. We don't necessarily know when he will wake up because he lost a lot of blood and his body is weak. All we can do is keep him stable and then it's all up to him to come back."

"What do you mean it's up to him? He's been unconscious for a week. Can't you do anything for Christ sake? You're a doctor."

My heart bursted when I heard the desperation in her voice. Momma. For a whole week. I've been unconscious for a whole week. What about Lavender? Is she okay? Have they found her?

"No we can't. We have done everything we can do on our part. Carlos just needs to fight himself. He needs to want to come back. He needs someone to fight for. Is there anyone that means much to him? Like a significant other?"
I wanted to scream Lavender but I couldn't. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything.

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