Chapter 27

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I watched as he ran

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I watched as he ran. His figure gradually retreating into the sports hall. My body was still in shock as to what I had just witness Carlos do. A ringing sound echoes in my eyes and I couldn't hear anything going on around me.

The events of what had just happened were replaying in my head. Carlos on top of Blake pin ding his fist into his face. The grunts of pain that would escape Blake's mouth and the crunching of Blake's nose I heard in the air. The cheers and sounds of disapproval and worry being heard from the crowd that had gathered around to witness what was happening.

I looked to the floor and saw the aftermath of the fight. It wasn't really a fight, It was just Carlos taking his anger out in Blake. Blake was able to get a few hits on Carlos but not many. Punch after punch would come raining down on his face and I couldn't even imagine the pain he was in right now. It must be excruciating.

There was blood everywhere I looked. On the grass. On Blake's clothes. On his face. Everywhere. A bright red liquid oozed out of his nose and lips.

I felt a firm hand on my shoulder pull me back to reality. In front of me, there was a panicked Braydon with his hands placed on my shoulders. He was shaking me.
"Lavender. Rosie are you alright? Can you hear me?"
I focused my eyes again and looked up at him. He let out a breath of relief before pulling me into a big hug. My body was still in shock so I didn't reply back with one.

"I thought something had happened to you. When I heard a fight had gone on, I was worried and came as fast as possible. What happened LaLa? Why did Carlos hit Blake?"

He pulled away and placed his hands on my shoulders again. I looked at him with sad eyes. I wanted to cry but couldn't. They wouldn't escape. I had already cried enough today. I didn't want to cry anymore.

"I-it was all my f-fault. I didn't want Carlos o-or Blake to get hurt. I really didn't."
I subconsciously began playing with the ring on my index finger. Turning and pulling it.
"Blake t-tried to touch my bottom and s-said I must be good in bed because of all t-the hickies on my neck. I didn't realise everyone c-could see them. I forgot. Carlos got angry a-and punched him and Blake g-got mad so he tackled him and then Carlos j-just began punching him over and over again. H-he looked at me and then ran. I didn't want them to h-hurt each other. They're both hurt now b-because of me."

I let out a deep breath and my lower lip trembled. Braydon looked mad. Not as mad as Carlos did but still very mad. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were in a snarl.

"They fucking bastard. How dare he say something like that to you?"
Braydon moved from in front of me and went up to a groaning Blake on the ground. No one had gone to help him up mainly because they were still in shock but also because he looked quite terrible.

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