Floor Guardian intermission part 2

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Touch Me ready sword preparing to attack a Strawman in the middle of the arena.

Touch Me know many pure damaging attack. His buildability was somewhat evenly distributed but he focused on high HP, Defense, and Physical damage in other words a warrior-oriented build. He focused on having high firepower & reliability skills for solo or teams raid. His build was well suited as more frontline

In terms of magical abilities, he is a divine magic caster. Of course, he doesn't know many spells being a warrior build. The spell he knew were mostly buff & debuff spell, healing spell, summoning spell, deviation, and anti divination spell, and a few other miscellaneous spells.

He peeks at the Twins beside him. They have expectant looks in their eyes.

Although he used to someone expecting something out of him. He was still nervous he could not meet their expectations.

Although he could use a teleportation spell imbued within the rings of Ainz Ooal Gown the same can't be said about his other abilities.

So the purpose of this training was to test if he could use his other abilities and to show off to Aura & Mare. Sending a message that if they fight with Touch Me they could be easily be slain.

It seems that they have no intention of betraying him a little show of force wouldn't hurt. However, if he were unable to use his other abilities what would happen then?

Aura treated Touch Me like an old friend, but to Touch Me, it was the first time they had met. He could tell that the twins were the lovingly crafted embodiment of his guild members' hard work.

However, there might be unknown factors that might affect their personalities. For example what if the guild member changes the program of the NPC. Like what Touch Me did to Albedo.

As the strongest member of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown after being thrown into these unknown circumstances. His ability would guarantee his safety.

As he thought about it Touch Me stomach began to hurt. He felt an immense amount of guilt filled his gut.

Albedo was the creation of Tabula Smaragdina. The members who were the most obsessed with characters' setting and mythology.

Having tainted his masterpiece Touch Me felt like a criminal.

-I should really ask the Guardians what they really think of me.

They were no longer mere dolls in Nazarick. Now they are living, thinking, sentient being. There must be a flaw in their reasoning. In all likelihood, they are not programmed to be loyal to weaklings. What will it mean for him if they are not listening to him because he has no power?.

Having many doubts in his mind is not good. But following this blindly is not a wise move either.

He looks at two monsters -Dragonkin- on the side of the arena. Thet is carrying another strawman.

These draconic beasts stood much taller than humans, with scaled hides whose colors ranged from an ocher color to reddish-brown, often highlighted with darker markings, spots, or bands. Their fully-functioning wings were either similar in hue to their hides or were tinted gold or even green. While their faces resembled those of true dragons, they had thick manes and rear-facing horns.

Under the control of Aura beast tamer ability. She could move it around the arena to her liking.

Although they were level fifty-five monsters with no special abilities of note, their powerful arms and prodigious stamina were a match for higher-leveled monsters.

There are more than 10.000 warrior abilities in Yggdrasil from 1st tier to 10th tier also they are super tier and gods tier. Those abilities are divided among various types and schools. Touch Me could use 416 of this ability. Normal level 100 players could only use 300 of them but Touch Me is using permanent cash items to increase his arsenal. Although that might not be necessary because the warrior class is restricted to users' real-life reflexes. That restriction is only arrive into play during duels between top echelon player. Being one of nine world champion Touch Me real-life reflexes are top-notch. Also after being transported to this new world his racial class further enhance his reflexes.

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