Plan In Motion

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ACT II: Planting seeds

With a Thud the door to the Ainz room was closed. In the Ainz inn room, there are crudely made bed frame with a mattress. They're also a medium size wooden box enough to store adventurer equipment there are also a chair and a small dining table.

The views outside of the window are a street outside of the inn. When the curtain is open there is still not enough light to fill the room. Although this is not a problem for Ainz & Yuri who has a dark vision ability but the normal human this is quite a dilemma.

The overall quality of the room made Ainz furrowed his brow. This room was quite expensive, especially for Ainz financial situation.

Right now the source of Ainz income was the pocket money and the loot of the knight who attacked the village. Although they manage to gather quite a large sum of money - Around 200 gold coins worth of money - it was quite foolish to waste money on a trivial thing.

He somewhat regretted his decision to give the innkeeper the platinum coins - equal in value to 10 gold coins, which in turn could feed a small family for a whole year. - but that was to gain a reputation and the fact that he got a lead on wealthy merchant women was enough to make it worth it.

"Ainz-Sama would you like to clean this room for you."

"Just call me vass without the honorific. I wanted you to get used to it. There might be someone wanting to eavesdrop on us."

Ainz reaches out to his dimensional pocket and retrieves a scroll. It was the scroll of the silent room as the name implies it made the room which it was cast immune to eavesdropping.

Ainz pulls out a chair from underneath the table and promptly sits on it. Then he takes off his helmet and places it on the table

The face underneath that helmet belonged to a human. This was the work of Ainz polymorphic ability. But his face is quite different from what he shows at the Carne village. His face is very attractive and has a noble aura to it, his eyes were bright blue like a diamond in the art gallery, he has well-trimmed white hair although his age is still twenty.

"I don't want our cover to get blown out. Also good work back then Yuri."

"Thank you very much, Ainz-Sama. But is it alright for me to use use the wealth of Nazarick?."

"It's alright I'll allow it. Knew it was a gamble but I am confident I'll win it.."

"What do you mean?."

"I notice the healing potion of this world is quite different from our potion. whereupon that women's potion is blue and our potion is red. And the fact that that woman looks a bit confused further supports my theory."

"I see."

"So I plan to get a connection with the herbalist of this world and ask them the technique which they use to produce the blue potion and if possible I would like to incorporate that technique to Nazarick."

"But how do you plan to do that."

"Let me ask you something if you find the potion you never see before what would you do?."

Yuri closes her eyes and places her hands on her chin. She seems to be thinking. After a few seconds, she was ready to answer Ainz question.

"You ask someone and the best person to ask is the Herbalist. If the herbalist doesn't know the answer they will seek us to find the origin of the potion."

"As expected of you, Yuri, you able to grasp my plan well. E-Rantel is a place filled with adventure and mercenaries. So the industry supporting that profession is also large compared to other nearby cities so our chances of success are quite large."

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