The End & The Beginning

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Yggdrasil DMMO-RPG developed by Japanese developers. Release in the year 2126. Becoming one of the most popular DMMO-RPG in the country. Compared to other DMMO-RPGs of the time, YGGDRASIL’s selling point was “player freedom”.
It had over two thousand basic and advanced job classes. After 12 years of service, the closing of the Yggdrasil was announced by the developer.


A gigantic table carved of gleaming black stone sat in the centre of the room, surrounded by forty-one luxurious chairs.
However, most of those seats were empty.
Once, every single place had been filled, but now only two were occupied.
One of the seated people was clothed in a magnificent black academic robe, edged in violet and gold. The collar seemed excessively gaudy, but somehow it fit the overall design. The being in the other seat was not human either, He was an Insectoid creature in platinum armour, although it looks like platinum, in reality, his armour was far stronger than it looks.

The former was an Overlord — the highest-ranked of those magic casters who had become undead to learn the most potent spells. The latter was an Insectoid warrior easily the strongest in guild Ainz Ooal Gown & one of the strongest in Yggdrasil.he is the world champion the class-exclusive to the player who had won the tournament in their respective world. Both of them were founding member of the guild & clan that preceded the guild.

The Overlord — who was speaking at the moment — did not move his mouth. That was because even the most advanced DMMO-RPGs of the time still could not overcome the technological hurdle of properly modelling the changes on a character’s face in response to emotions and speech.

"it's been a while touch me-san. Although this is the last day of Ygdrasil I didn't think you would come"

"Indeed it has been a while. but didn't I promise would come back to see you?"

"Thank you for keeping your promise touch-san, I am very grateful you fulfil my selfish request"

"Selfish request huh?."

Touch me response lacked the energy it once has.

"Well anyway, this is the least I can do. after I dump all of my responsibility as a clan master to you Momonga-san"

"Hahaha indeed touch-san"

Both of the laughs until one of them start a new topic.

"So I am glad. The guild is kept preserve. Despite your busy schedule, You did your job as a guild master well."

The insectoid—Touch me— lowered his head in a "thank you" you manner.

As though following up on Touch Me comment, Momonga delivered a grim monologue, his words laced with an unimaginable reality.

The two of them griped loudly about the foolishness they encountered in their working lives.

They both let their grievances burst like a broken dam and they both lend their ear to each other.

A lot of people want to avoid talking about a real-life problem such as work in the game.

But this is not a case for both of them.

There are two requirements to join the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown. Frist must player must choose to play as Heteromorphic creatures, the second was players had to be working member of society.

Because of the rules. the topic discussed by the members of Ainz Ooal Gown usually revolves around their work life. Among another thing.

After about 20 minutes of the torrent of words from Momonga dwindled.

OVERLORD: Paladin of Pure SilverWhere stories live. Discover now