An Empress, Merchants And A Spy

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Chapter 15: An Empress, Merchants, And A Spy.

Vronti District.

The rich District in the city of E-Rantel. In the past when the kingdom immigration law is somewhat strict this place is inhabited by immigrants from many countries. The reason was that the king forbade any foreigner to own any property within the kingdom.

This resulted in many travelers & merchants who wanted to save money - or who don't have it in the first place - ended up staying in the area outside of the first walls the area now called vronti District.

At first, this district only has a few cheap inns for travelers to stay in. But over time the business there grows quite rapidly. There are quite a few high-quality inns, restaurants, public bathrooms, and even a brothel. Of course, most of this establishment is illegal because the majority of the business owner here was a merchant from outside of the kingdom.

The kingdom authority couldn't do anything about it or more accurately doesn't want to do anything about it. The reason was that the business owner doesn't pay any taxes instead they give a bribe to the city officials as compensation.

But of course, the kingdom authority couldn't just let them be forever. They need to fix the situation without damaging the E-Rantel economy. As a compromise, the kingdom renounces the law that forbids foreigners to own property within the kingdom & gives the Vronti District special lower taxes than other places in the kingdom.

This policy was pretty successful there is a massive economic boom. Many merchants and another enterprise starting to flood the Vronti District. There are many new establishments there. Be it a high-class hotel, restaurants, Casino - Although gambling in the kingdom is banned for religious reasons - and many other things.

But there is a new thing that appears on the E-Rantel mansions. Many newly build a mansion appear on the E-Rantel. Of course, the majority of the owner were merchants. Most of them were a foreigner that settles in E-Rantel.

In front of one of those mansions - One of the biggest mansions - stands a man in his late twenties. His name was Felix Baumont.

Felix was born in a merchant caravan family. He is the third son of the head of the family. In his childhood, we had traveled around the continent with his family caravan. During that time he learned the art of trading, negotiation, and most importantly information gathering.

Being the third son of his family the future for him there wasn't very bright. He just becomes the spare of the spare. So he decided to leave his family in search of new opportunities.

When he heard about the E-Rantel economic boom he decided to went there in search of that opportunities. But upon his arrival there reality hit him hard. He was struggling to find employment and his allowance starting to run dry. After a few weeks of him becoming unemployed, he finally found a job.

He was working at the merchant guild. During his time working there, he manages to prove himself to be a very competent person. The skill that he learned during his time traveling around the continent with the caravan proves useful to him. He managed to climb up through the rank pretty quickly and he became a direct subordinate to Alicia Jesen Müller the head of the Zloto faction.

He greeted the guard of the mansion and permitted to enter. The interior of the mansion was finely decorated with art & architecture. The scenery before him never fails to impress him no matter how much time he had already spent staring at them. Upon entering he was escorted by a maid through the hallway and to Alicia's working room.

The maid knocked on the door and announced "Felix-Sama is here to see you, Alicia-Sama." After few moments of waiting, they are permitted to enter the room.

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