First Encounter

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They depart early in the morning. During their negotiations yesterday they agree to bring along the sword of darkness as extra protection and help during the herb gathering quest. While Vass & Yuri hunt the magical beast that attacks the merchant the sword of darkness would act as a bodyguard for Nfirea & Felix. Also, Felix insisted to come along to make certain that the quest was a success.

Vass & Yuri begin their preparation right after the negotiations ended. They brought an essential adventurer kit from the innkeeper where they stayed. This was Ainz first time preparing for outdoor adventure - In his original world, most of the natural habitat has been destroyed by human activity - so Ainz gets a little bit too excited by this and bought a lot more than that was normally needed.

As stated in their agreement they meet up in the outskirts of E-Rantel just outside of the Eastern gate. There The sword of darkness, Nfirea and his cart carrying urn, and Felix in his warhorse. Although Ainz was the last one to arrive he is not late everyone just comes early.

"Ah, there Vass-san."

Felix said while pointed his finger at the upcoming adventurer. In response, Vass waved his hand at them.

"I see that everyone is here, I apologize for being late." Ainz bowed his head slightly. He is genuinely felt bad about being the last one to arrive.

"It's alright Vass-san, you don't need to apologize. After all, you were not late."

"Is that so, then I am ready for the journey how about all of you?."

"We are ready," Lukrut answers as representatives of the sword of darkness, followed by Nfirea & Felix.

They begin to embark on their journey to the great Forrest of Tob. There are two routes to their destination, first was the northern route travel along with the great Forrest. Doing so would increase the chances of encountering monsters that could threaten the travelers thus fulfilling The Sword Of Darkness Job & partially completing Felix's request.

They were walking in Colum with Nfiriea in his cart in the front, followed by Vass & Yuri, Felix, and the sword of darkness. From an outside perspective, this formation is somewhat flawed, Putting their ranger - Lukrut - on the back of the formation could decrease their chances of detecting incoming ambush. But - although this fact was unknown to others in their Grub - Vass detection ability is far surpassing Lukrut ranger ability. He could detect & assessed the danger immediately.

After a short walk from E-Rantel, they were already on the northern road towards Carne village. The situation is quite tense as at the beginning of the mission in general. They were wanting to hunt down a monster that crosses the border between nature and civilization like their mission. More importantly, they also wanted to know Vass power.

"It seemed there still no monster running around this area," Lukrut said trying to broke their silence.

"You're right according to the innkeeper there are goblins and Ogre inside the forest," Ainz replied.

"Well, as long as we do not get ambushed we'll be fine, and besides there nothing that can escape my ear. Aren't I great Yuri-san?." Lukrut said in a light-hearted voice.

In response to Lukrut earnest demeanor, Yuri replied. "Then we are all in your care."

Lukrut blushes like a lovestruck boy, he clearly wasn't expecting that flattering response. But of course, Yuri only gives such a response because Ainz other her to do so.

Yuri's personality makes her perfect for accompanying Ainz in his adventuring cum information-gathering mission. She is one of one of few Nazarick NPC that are safe around humans. Although she is undead if given a choice between helping someone or let it be she would choose to help someone as long as it does not hinder her duty as the Pleiades.

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