Prelude To The Journey

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Britta - the adventurer that Yuri gives a red potion - walked through the E-Rantel somewhat empty Street of E-Rantel. She just came out of the potion shop own by the legendary Lizzie Bareare that the innkeeper shows her.

Her visit is there somewhat frightening. Her visit teaches her the very definition of the word obsessed. And also she realized how much valuable her red potion was.

Lizzie has said that that potion is much more potent than a normal blue healing potion. Lizzie has offered her 8 gold coins which were amazing by her standard but she had a feeling that this potion might save her life in the future so she decided to keep it.

When he remembers the day that she was given by that mysterious adventurer she felt saddened. Because she had made a bad first impression on them.

Ah, I don't know that he was so handsome. I should have just asked his name rather than screaming for compensation.

When she had seen his - Vass - face for the first time she felt instantly lovestruck by him. Then again she felt despair knowing that she had no chance to win him over. Compared to her - whose bodies have been geared for adventuring and most of female part that use to attract male attention charm diminishes by it - the mysterious adventurer partner - Yuri - was like heaven and earth.

No, I shouldn't give up. I'll try to talk with him and possibly go on a quest together. Uwahh spending time with prince charming isn't that awesome.

At this point, she became delusional and desperate she even doesn't mind becoming his mistress. So she concocted a plan which they would have to go on an adventuring quest together. Needless to say, her plan has a very slim chance to succeed but she gonna try it anyway with the determination of a girl chasing her first love.


Nfirea Bareare is a grandson of the legendary Lizzie Bareare. He was about 16 years old, has blonde hair with a weird hairstyle that covered his eye. Like her grandmother and father, he worked at the potion shop as a potion maker and shopkeeper. During his time there he became a very skilled herbalist and potion maker.

But during all his years in the business, he had never seen a red potion before. Even his grandmother who is the best herbalist in the kingdom never seen such a thing. They wanted to conduct a few experiments to determine how to make such a potion and to find that potion's full potential.

Unfortunately, the adventure that showed this potion to them refuses to sell it even after being offered a hefty amount of money - 8 gold coins to be exact. So they decided to go to the source of all this.

According to Britta, she acquires this potion as compensation for the mysterious adventure in full plate jet black armor that appeared in E-Rantel. So they decided to put up a personal request to escort them to the great forest of Tob. Although that might be a very dangerous quest for even Mythril rank adventurers but after hearing the story from Britta Nfirea think is doable for the Mysterious adventurer and he doesn't really care if the quest failed. All he wanted to make connections with him and probably acquire
the origin or even way to produce red potion for themselves.


Ainz & Yuri has arrived at the adventures guild during its busiest time so the building is packed with many men & women in battle - Adventurer - and the requester. Of course, Ainz did this on purpose. More people to know about his presence here to increase his fame.

As he walked towards the quest boards - bathed in a stare of onlookers. He noticed that this guild doesn't have an Orihalcum or adamantite rank adventurer. If the information that he acquires is correct the E-Rantel adventurer guild top rank adventurer is three Mythril rank adventurer.

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