Intermission: Preparation for Conquest

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Intermission: Preparation for Conquest

Demiurge walked through the rain forest of the sixth floor in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. His destination was a great lake near the outskirts of the forest.

He walked while admiring the scenery around him. To him - and others who swear fealty to 41 supreme beings - every floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is land blessed by a Gods, an absolute pinnacle of art itself.

Just as he thanked the architects of the sixth floor in his heart, he already reached his destination. Stand right there his comrades and fellow floor Guardian Cocytus.

"How is a thing going on Cocytus?."

Cocytus who are fully focused on the task ahead of him replied to Demiurges who standing beside him observing the task given to them by their absolute master.

"Things. Are. Going. Great. The. New. Army. Is. Well. Integrated. With. Nazarick. Defense. System."

Nazarick new army is a project started by Ainz Ooal Gown himself to further strengthen Nazarick defensive & offensive capability. The new army will be composed of permanently called NPC monster using Ainz own skill and Mercenaries monster such as Death Knight, Automaton, demon, and Angel.

The first phase of the plan will see the creation of five legions of monsters each will be lead by a floor Guardian. Although right now only Demiurges, Cocytus, and Albedo who got to lead a legion.

Right now the plan is about 85% completed given few more days and the plan will be completed. And then they will be continued into the next phase.

"The third legion training seems to be going great."

"Ainz-sama. Has. Ordered. Me. To. Prepare. An. Army. For. Outside. Operation."

"An expedition to Lizardman villages?. Yes, I will pray for your victory, my friend."

Demiurges' kind words came from the bottom of his heart. He might be cruel and sadistic but towards his comrades, he was like a kind friend. But of course, when given an order to kill his comrades by the Supreme being he will do it without mercy.

But those kind words stab Cocytus's heart like a dagger. He knew that Demiurges was sincere in his words but he still felt he was hiding something from him.

His master has ordered him to conquer the Lizardman villages the although he had already been given full command of the 3rd legion he received 20 iron samurai golem whose strength is roughly equal to that Mythril rank adventurer and supported by 3000 skeleton army, 1500 skeleton archer and 500 skeletons cavalry to assault the lizardman.

It seems Demiurges has realized something he hasn't figure out yet. He & Demiurges was a comrade but also a rival. Recently Demiurge's first legion managed to infiltrate the kingdom & Empire government and sending all manner of information, technology, and news back to Nazarick not to mention his scroll production effort although he could only produce 1st to 3rd tier spell. Demiurges has managed to give splendid results back to Nazarick.

Even Albedo, Aura, & Mare has already given something back to Nazarick. Albedo with her undercover trade using the recently captured merchant guild giving more wealth to Nazarick. Aura with her construction of a new base & storage facility inside the Forrest of Tob and Mare with concealment of Nazarick.

Even Shalltear has given Ainz-Sama humans with martial arts to study with.

With that in mind, Cocytus strengthen his resolve to perfectly executed his master order.

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