The End & The Beginning Part 2

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Touch Me left the room called the round table room.

Each member of the guild had a ring Reserved for their use. If anyone who wore the ring will spawn in this room when they log into the game.

Touch Me walked through the hall.

This place was like a castle built of alabaster, a magnificent world suffused with a regal atmosphere.

If one raised their head to look to the ceiling, they would see crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling at fixed intervals, radiating warm light.

The broad hallways had brilliantly polished stone floors, which reflected the light from the chandeliers in a way that made it seem like twinkling stars were embedded in its surface.

If a visitor opened the doors on both sides of him, his attention would be captivated by the decadent furnishings within.

A third party observing this scene would probably be staring in awe.

The much-hated Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick had once been attacked by the largest invading force ever assembled in the game’s history. Eight guilds banded together with their allies to bring a force of over fifteen hundred players, mercenaries, and NPCs to bear on Nazarick, but in the end, they had been miserably defeated. That legendary dungeon was now reduced to this.

The sound of Touch Me footsteps and the tapping of the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown rang through the hallways.

As he turning to one of the hallways he saw a maid heading in his direction.
She was dressed in a long, elegant maid’s outfit, with a large apron.

She was roughly one hundred seventy centimetres tall, with a slender build. Her ample bosom looked like it would burst out of her bodice at any time. Her overall appearance was attractive and gave the impression of being graceful and kind.

As the two walked into each other the maid bow respectfully to Touch me.

Touch me raised his hand indicating he acknowledgement.

Touch Me's acknowledgement of her bow was nothing more than a foolish gesture because she was nothing more than a doll. However, He had reasons for not treating her coldly.

"Ah… that’s right. I think it was from then that he started saying that ‘Maid uniforms are justice!’ Come to think of it, I think the manga he’s drawing now has a maid as a main character. Do his assistants cry when he goes overboard on the designs? Ah, Whitebrim-san.”

Touch me continue walking leaving the maid behind.

After a while, a gigantic stair appear. It was the stair that leads to the lowest floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Touch Me descended the floor.

The place where he had arrived was a large receiving room, with several figures within.

The first to enter Touch me line of sight was a distinguished old gentleman in a butler’s outfit.

His hair was pure white, even the beard and moustache near his mouth. However, the old man’s back was ramrod-straight, like a sword forged of steel. His face was deeply wrinkled and gave onlookers the impression that he was a kind and gentle person, but his keen eyes were like those of an eagle sizing up its prey. He is Touch Me personal creation.

Six maids were standing behind the butler. However, these maids were different from the one Touch me had met earlier, in looks and equipment.

"oh, it's Sebas & the Pleiades battle maid. Its been a while."

He muttered to himself as he indulges in good memories with his & his friends& creation.

"A lot of argument& back and forth when naming all of you"

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