chapter 6

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still Clove's POV

I and Cato would compete to go into the games together. The tournament was in a month and we would get one part of the academy all to ourselves. There was no way we were going to avoid each other now. And I was right, as always. I didn't even make it through the first day without bumping into him. Ok, who are we kidding I didn't make it through the first hour. 

Cato's POV

It was the evening before the tournament started and I decided (with Clove ofc) that we should pop in some more training, just to be sure. We would be traveling to an area close to district 1 and we would fight all academy bests. In the end, the winners would get to meet the district 1 winners and they would go out for dinner to get to know each other. This was (as everything) another way of ensuring a career would win. It would be nice to also get to know district 4 but because they didn't do any tournaments it wasn't possible.

After this BIG tournament, we would still have 2 months to prepare for the games. Let's just say the other districts were far behind us. Even after dinner with 1 I and my district partner (i know I'm gonna win) would get a hotel together to trust each other. I was excited about that part because somewhere in me knew Clove and I would win the tournament and let's be fair I liked her. 

Back to the evening before the big day. "Hey, clover, ready to get beaten?" I asked the cutest girl I had ever seen. And I did not just think that. I mentally slapped myself. I and Clove were about to battle it out, just for fun. "I could ask the same for you" she cockily said back while she pressed the red button that signals the start of a fight.

Clato: love at last sightWhere stories live. Discover now