chapter 11

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As Peeta comes near us I lift my knife ready to kill him. 'wait!' He shouts, 'I can find her'. It takes me a while but when I figure out he's talking about Katniss I lift my knife again and just when I wanna kill him barbie opens her mouth. 'He could help us,' her annoying shitty voice suggests 'right Cato?'. The bitch! I give Cato a look but what I find isn't reassuring at all. Cato's voice fills the air and says exactly what he shouldn't have 'Clove how much I want to agree with you, he's right we need to find her. We can always kill him after'. He whispers the last part but judging from Peeta's face he heard it.

We continue walking for a while and my thoughts start. I think of home, district 2, and of what could have happend if I wouldn't have volunteered. Oh god why did I volunteer?!

We follow Peeta for half a day and right as i'm about to tell Cato I was right he says something. 'Hey, Clove?' I lift my head to look at him. He pulls me away and tells the rest we're checking out deeper in the forest. 'are you ok?' when I give him the look he swiftly pulls me into a hug. He hugs me and the hug tells me so much. I know how could a hug tell you anything? 

He knew I wasn't fine and that I didn't want all of Panem to see me as weak but he had to help me. After a while we headed back, and I was already feeling much better. When Marvel gives Cato a questioning look but he just shakes his head and walks to the front of the group. Peeta is holding something in his hands. 'It's one of her snares' he whispers to himself. 'yeah so?' I ask loudly still annoyed Cato chose Glimmer over me, his oldest friend. Peeta looks startled like he didn't want to say the thought out loud. "Well I guess she's close then" Cato shouted excitedly. 

It was starting to get dark and we still hadn't found anyone. That's until we saw it, a fire. Finally we could let the predator in us let go and kill another tribute. As we neared the fire we could see the shadow of what I thought to believe a girl. Cato walked up to her and killed her with his sword. We left her stuff, not needing it and walked on laughing. Then I got a thought, 'we haven't heard a canon yet' I voiced it. Cato immediately started about how he killed her and was sure she was dead. While Marvel and I thought he should check. Glimmer of course clung to Cato almost making me puke. Almost! Then Peeta offered to go check. We heard a canon and then saw Peeta coming back proving I was right. I gave Cato the look and we continued on. 

As it started getting dark we went back to our 'camp', we would check on the girl on fire tomorrow. Then the anthem went, only 1 kill. The capital must be out for blood.

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