Chapter 20

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My one enemy sinds the beginning was sitting in the cave I just wandered in. There was another thing even crazier then that though. That being that her lover wasn't there with her. Also she had red puffy eyes and looked drained. When she noticed me she jumped like I was some kind of animal. Then again I suppose I was even scarier than any creature, because I was most likely here to kill her.
As soon as I looked in her eyes something clicked. Peeta had died. We had both lost a lover to the games. But if Peeta was dead, who where the 3 tributes left? Katniss, me and.... thresh? But I killed him. Foxface had been dead when I found her and her and all the other tributes had been in the sky a long while ago. The only one I hadn't seen up there other than Peeta was..
Was she really dead? Was I positive that her body had been cold? What if the medicine had worked?!? What if I had left her there all by herself!?!
I took off running leaving a very confused Katniss.

It took me less than 30 minutes to race back to the cornucopia where there was only some blood left on the place where Clove's body had been. However there was also a small trail of the red liquid. It looked like someone had taken her body, or if she herself had dragged herself away. I followed the trail, only to find the end a few yards from the beginning. Where could she be? I circled the area around the ending of the trail, nothing. Then suddenly it went dark quickly. 

The finals, there were only 3 tributes left and the watchers where probably hungry for blood, this had to be the finals. This meaning that they would send some kind of creature into the arena. The fact that Clove was wounded, if I was right and she was alive, and would need my help. If I knew one thing for sure, if there was one thing I could do, I wanted Clove to come out of this alive. Katniss didn't deserve happiness and I wouldn't even survive without her.

Surely, the sky was black now and I decided I wouldn't find Clove and just headed back to the cornucopia. When I was halfway I suddenly heard an awful scream, followed by loud growls. The finals were beginning and Clove, Katniss and I were participating.

however much I liked the idea of stopping this book at chapter 20, i'm writing one more. Yess, i'm back. Sorry if it took too long.

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