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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Hero is a title reserved for those who perform truly great feats. However, too many are undeserving for that honorable title!"

Hero Killer's harsh and bitter voice echoed inside his head. What was the meaning behind that? Was that the reason he's killing the heroes?

Boboiboy sighed as he put his hand on his forehead. Many questions played in his mind. Boboiboy quickly remembered Ramenman's advice and he discarded his negative thoughts. "This is not the time to be weak! I have to be stronger in order to protect everyone!"


Iida took out his phone, only to read the latest news about increasing victims of the famous Hero Killer.

"It seems like you have appeared in Kofu City! You monster!" Iida's let out a murderous look. Clearly, hatred has begun to take control of him. "I already analyzed the place you often choose to end one's life. Since, Kofu one of the cities that are near Hosu, then there's probably a chance for you to appear here again!"

"Come! I'll definitely disposed you with my own hands!"




"Hosu City looks nicer than I expected." The man faced up to the evening sky. "It's so nice that maybe this city needs a little bit of destruction?"

The Hero Killer, Stain, didn't reply to his words as his red eyes were scanning the peaceful city.

Tomura Shigaraki sighed, the ruthless man really does get on his nerves! "So, what are you going to do?" He tiredly asked.

"I will reform this city." Stain replied, licking his chapped lips. "But in order to do so, I require more victims.

"Hmmm, that's a dull idea." A red-head replied, currently indulging himself with a mobile game. "Hey! Let's play something interesting. Find the 'impostor' among the citizens. To make it more interesting, dispose the normal ones first. That way the impostor will come out. Oh! And that impostor is from another world!" He gave them a wicked smile.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" Shigaraki growled. First, he had to deal with a man who just stabbed him in the shoulder, and second, he had to deal with a sicko who claimed himself an alien from another world. Both of these villains were introduced by Kurogiri since they had the potential to be their future allies.

Another world, huh? Well, that's beyond what sci-fi fiction could tell.

"That's not nonsense! That's actual fact! Aliens also have feelings you know!" Vengeance groaned. Great! It was Game Over now! He lost!

"Right, if you're an alien, then I'll be a walking corpse while that man is a cold-blooded vampire." The owner of the decay quirk commented, rolling his eyes beneath the

"Hero is a title given only to those who have accomplished great deeds! There are too many who act like heroes but are really money-worshippers! Until this world realizes its mistake, I will continue to appear!" Stain took out his jagged sword and swung it. He quickly jumped to another building, leaving Shigaraki and Vengeance.