Chapter 29 - TWO HEROES (PART 3)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!

 Chapter 29 

"Kirishima! Blazing Fire Punch!" Blaze acted fast, concentrating fire at his fist and released it in a form of a blazing knuckle. Somehow, it managed to stop the villain's quirk from hitting Kirishima but also creating a huge explosion.

"What?!" The villains yelled, didn't expect that Blaze had that kind of tremendous fiery power.

Smoke was everywhere by now, blurring their vision as they only could see grey.

"You really had the nerve to lay your dirty finger on my friend, huh? Well, no more Mr Nice guy! It's time to end this!" A voice echoed from within the smokes, it was somehow calming yet ringing with confidence and fearlessness.

Time seems to stand still, slowly the smoke was getting thinner, finally revealing a pair of orange and light blue central heterochromia eyes, staring intensely at the villains.

Todoroki and Bakugou's eyes widened at the sight of the elemental manipulator. This person was somehow the same yet very different from what they usually saw him.

The long silence was finally broken off when the boy revealed himself and he was...

"Boboiboy FrostFire!"




FrostFire stood tall, confident, obviously overwhelmed aura, much like a strong superhero who arrived in the nicked of time like in the action movies. His round orange-light blue eyes sparkled with fierceness and bravery not even fazed with the villains' dangerous quirks. He still wore the same brown suit only this time the vest was now in slate color while the shirt was in artic blue. His necktie turned fire orange, insignia rested on top of it as a pin.

And there he was making another epic entrance in the hero world.

All eyes landed on the elemental hero with a mix of shock and curiosity dancing around their minds. Todoroki and Bakugou keep staring at the central heterochromia-eyed boy, wondering what kind of element did Boboiboy just revealed to them.

This boy here, FrostFire was it? Had a burning fighting spirit that was eager to be freed yet at the same time, he was also calm and collective as if he was silently gathering his enemies' information with just a single look.

Same yet different, that was the half-cold half-hot, and explosion user's first impression about him. Well, second for Todoroki that is since he met him during the UA Sports Festival. Unfortunately, the poor boy barely remembers anything after that since he suddenly blacks out during their match.

"What... What are you?" The villains asked, slightly intimidated by the elemental user.

"Hmm? I'm still me of course but I'm..." FrostFire replied, calm but confident of course.


Krik... Krik... Krik...

Okay, that was a stupid question.

Truthfully, the two villains were dumbfounded but then they were the ones who asked that ridiculous question at first. So, it's better to keep their mouth shut for now.