Chapter 20 - BACK TO SCHOOL

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Please, don't be careless from now on! Think before you act! Tell that to the elemental user as well!" Gran Torino huffed.

"Eh?" Midoriya questioned. "What do you mean?"

"That elemental kid disappeared on us as soon as you text him your location!" Gran Torino explained.

"Wait? What?" Midoriya was really confused at the moment.

If he was not mistaken, Boboiboy came to them 5 minutes after he found out Iida's location. It was quite impossible for Boboiboy to arrive at the location in time if he decided to help Gran Torino and the heroes first.

And if he really did help the heroes, then he would arrive together with Todoroki since the half-cold half-hot user took 10 minutes to get there.

"Is it possible? No, it can't be!" Midoriya whispered.

"How can Boboiboy be at two places in one time?"




The panic state in Hosu City was gradually recovering. It's still undeniable that the feeling of terrified still lingered among the public. Who can blame them? That specific night was truly a nightmare for them since it was the night where the nomus roared freely while the Hero Killer lavished his starvation for a better hero society.

However, thanks to the help and encouragement of the heroes, the dispute was managed to be overcome, even though that incident left dark and terrible memories in people's minds.

But not all ends well with rainbows or stuff. Little by little society's thinking was slowly influenced by Stain's understanding of the 'Hero World'.

Hero Killer: Stain! Real name: Chizome Akaguro.

All Might's debut left a deep impression on him as he set his sights on becoming a hero. He enrolled in a private school but was disappointed with the fundamentally depraved views of heroes. He dropped out from school and called for a return to the old ideas of heroes. However, he realized that words had no power! He strongly emphasized that heroes should not seek compensation and the title of 'Hero' must only be granted to those who are truly worthy of being called a 'Hero'.

That's why he dedicated himself to cleanse the dirtiness of the hero society! Fake heroes should be taken down or killed, leaving the ones that are sincere in calling their selves a hero! Until society realized this, he will keep lurking in the shadows, purges until people finally open their eyes to the true meaning of a 'Hero'!

Thus, people were now questioning the heroes' duties. Why did people die when there are heroes who were protecting them? Why can't heroes do their work properly? And certainly, why is evil so prevalent even when heroes fight to uphold justice?

Hence, those questions created...

"Have you heard about the League of Villains?"
