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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Oh! The youth!" Midnight squealed in joy. After a moment, she suddenly turned serious. "If that's what you think then..."

"You're wrong!" she announced making all of them shocked.

"WHAT?! (APAKAH?!)" Boboiboy gasped in horror.

"I hate to say this to you, but fight orders have already been shuffled! Therefore, you don't know when you'll be battling or who your opponent is until your name appears on the screen!" Midnight smirked.

"Talk about plus ultra, right?"




"The names have been shuffled? That's new." Midoriya mumbled.

"What do you mean?" asked Boboiboy.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time UA made some drastic changes to the Sports Festival. Usually, students will know who their opponents are before the match begins." The green-head explained.

"Perhaps these changes were made in order to create a stronger hero in the future. A hero must keep an eye on the villains. We don't know one's quirk in a battle. That's why we must learn how to calculate the chances of victory in a battle." Iida added.

"Woah! I think that makes sense!" Boboiboy agreed.

"That's what my older brother always tells me, Boboiboy." Iida smiled proudly while thinking of his older brother. "My brother is a hero, so he'll always give me helpful advices about how to become a good hero!"

"I'm kinda of jealous. I mean, I'm an only child. It's nice to have an older sibling to talk too." Boboiboy smiled.

"I know right? My brother is the best! He's a responsible adult but sometimes—"

"Shut up damn extras! The quarter-final is about to begin!" Bakugou growled from his seat and he didn't forget to give Iida and Boboiboy a death glare.

"Alahai, kena marah lagi dengan si bom hidup ni. (Great, we're getting scolded by the living bomb again.)" Boboiboy mumbled but was heard by exploding bomb.

"What did you say?!" Bakugou yelled. He couldn't understand what the elemental user was saying, but he knows it's not something good.

"Takde apa-apa. (Nothing.)" Boboiboy gave him a fake warm smile and quickly turned away, deliberately ignoring the explosion user.

"Hello everybody! The quarter-final will now begin! Are you ready?!" Present Mic announced, followed by the audiences' loud cheer.

"Alright! Everybody is excited! Behold the screen in front of you! That's right folks!" Everyone was nervous right now. Who would do the honors to fight in the first match?

"For the first battle—"

A Few Hours Ago

As we all know, the UA Sports Festival was being broadcast live throughout the country. So basically, everyone can watch it on their TV screens.