A Moment Alone- Kylo Ren

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Kylo and I stood in the control room of the ship. A few guards stood in the room with us.

I reached down and brushed my fingers against the lightsaber at my hip. I was proud of it. I had carefully constructed it myself. I suddenly felt fingers brushing against mine and looked down to see Kylo's gloved hand reached for my own.

I arched a brow, worried that someone would see. Our relationship had to be kept secret. We were terrified Snoke would use us against each other if he found out.

"Leave us," Kylo spoke suddenly, his voice deep and commanding through the mask.

Without a words, the guards exited the room. Kylo and I were alone.

"If you're not careful, they're going to get suspicious," I said with a sigh. I smiled and turned to face him.

He removed his helmet, revealing his dark hair and attractive face. "I haven't had any time alone with you in days," he reminded me.

I reached out and gently laid my hand on his chest. He did have a point. Besides, I had missed him. Without saying anything, I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

I could feel his lips softening as he melted into it. His hands found their way to my waist and he slowly backed me up against the table where the control panel was. I was careful to not push any buttons.

With my eyes closed, I reached out with the force and made sure the entrances to the control room were locked. The last thing we needed was for someone to walk in on his. Feeling more relaxed now, I reached up and ran my hands through his soft hair, earning a soft hum from Kylo. I tugged gently at the strands and he hummed again.

He moved closer, pressing his hips against mine. The action caused my heart to skip a beat. I allowed one of my hands to travel down to the waistband of his uniform. My fingertips brushed against the skin just below his belly button. I could sense him shivering at my touch, so I pulled my hand away.

He suddenly broke the kiss. "Why did you stop?"

"We could be caught," I informed. I had locked the doors, but I was still worried. Besides, it was fun to tease him a little.

"I don't care," he murmured huskily. Then his hands were under my shirt and before I knew what I was going I was removing his belt.

I hope you enjoyed this short scene with Kylo!

Thanks for reading!

Question of today: Do you ship Reylo?

Oh and thank you guys so much for nearly 300 reads!

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